Find matching small matrix in larger matrix
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I need to find if a binary logical matrix is somewhere in a larger binary matrix.
I am looking for specific patterns like:
pat = [0 0 1; 0 1 0; 0 0 0]
if it is somewhere in a larger matrix por example:
As you can see the patter is found with its center at r=137, c=810
I need a way to get the position (if there is) of these submatrix in the larger matrix.
Any help?
Accepted Answer
on 23 Jun 2022
Edited: Michael
on 23 Jun 2022
An admittedly brute force approach, but Matlab doesn't have a built in method for finding patterns in an array/matrix (at least it didn't back in 2017).
[blm_rows, blm_cols] = size(binarylogicalmatrix);
pat = [0 0 1; 0 1 0; 0 0 0];
[pat_rows, pat_cols] = size(pat);
for i = 1:blm_rows-pat_rows+1
for j = 1:blm_cols-pat_cols+1
subblm = binarylogicalmatrix(i:i+pat_rows-1,j:j+pat_cols-1)
if subblm == pat
disp('Pattern Found!')
found_row = i;
found_col = j;
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