Unable to perform assignment because brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

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I have these codes and I got an error for example with:
data{iBlob, 1}(4) = dec2bin(iBlob);
dec2bin(4) gives a char '100'.
As far as I know, cell arrays accept different kinds ot types so I don't understand the error here.
Also, how to convert the char '100' into a binary code 100 ?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards
Label = bwlabel(BW);
nbLabels = max(max(Label));
data = cell(nbLabels, 1);
for iBlob = 1:nbLabels
idx = find(Label == iBlob);
% create data
features = regionprops ( (Label==iBlob), 'Centroid' );
data{iBlob, 1}(1) = features.Centroid(2);
data{iBlob, 1}(2) = features.Centroid(1);
data{iBlob, 1}(3) = iBlob;
data{iBlob, 1}(4) = dec2bin(iBlob); % Error here: Unable to perform assignment because brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 May 2022
data{iBlob, 1} = features.Centroid(2);
data{iBlob, 2} = features.Centroid(1);
data{iBlob, 3} = iBlob;
data{iBlob, 4} = dec2bin(iBlob) - '0';

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