How can I make bigger the names plotted in the X axis from a variable?
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so I want to mae the names of the Variable T bigger so that I can read it clearly. How can I do it? Here is my code:
T = ["juny AIS1" "juny AIS2" "març AIS1" "març AIS2" "octubre AIS1" "octubre AIS2"];
format shortG
C = [NmeanJuny,PmeanJuny, NmeanMars,PmeanMars, NmeanOct,PmeanOct];
T=categorical(T); % turn into categorical variable
colors = get(gca(),'ColorOrder');
cdata = colors(ones(numel(T),1),:);
cdata([2 4 6],:) = [ ...
1 0 0; ...
1 0 0; ...
1 0 0];
b = bar(T,C,'FaceColor','flat','CData',cdata);
ylabel('Missatges erronis')
title('Mitja mensual de missatges erronis')
box off
Thank you In advance!!
Accepted Answer
Subhodh Sharma
on 12 May 2022
Edited: Subhodh Sharma
on 12 May 2022
Just increase the xticklable size..
b = get(gca,'XTickLabel');
Increase the fontsize with dx. Hope it works.
on 12 May 2022
@Subhodh Sharma: You can omit to set the handle of the XTickLabels to the handle of the XTickLabels. Simpler:
dx = 18;
set(gca, 'fontsize', dx);
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