How do you vertically concatenate the rows of a cell array consisting of vectors of numbers?

17 views (last 30 days)
I want to vertically concatenate the elements of a cell array so that, for example, an array that is 3 x 9 becomes 1 x 9. How do I do that? The following concatenates everything into one dimension, which isn't what I want:
the cyclist
the cyclist on 30 Mar 2022
What you want to do is not clear to me. Can you upload the cell array (using the paperclip icon in the INSERT section of the toolbar), or perhaps just write code here to define an smaller (like 3x2) input, and what you expect the output to be?
The best method will likely depend on whether the cell elements are numeric, strings, character arrays, etc.
L'O.G. on 30 Mar 2022
Edited: L'O.G. on 30 Mar 2022
Each element of the cell array contains an N x 1 vector where N is not necessarily the same for each vector and the elements of the vector are numbers with double precision.

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Accepted Answer

per isakson
per isakson on 30 Mar 2022
m = magic(3);
m = [m,m,m];
cac = num2cell(m); % sample data
arrayfun( @(ix) vertcat(cac{:,ix}), [1:9], 'uni',false )
ans = 1×9 cell array
{3×1 double} {3×1 double} {3×1 double} {3×1 double} {3×1 double} {3×1 double} {3×1 double} {3×1 double} {3×1 double}
Is this what you look for?

More Answers (2)

Simon Chan
Simon Chan on 30 Mar 2022
Tru the following:
cellfun(@(x) cell2mat(x),num2cell(a,1),'uni',0)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 30 Mar 2022
Output = arrayfun(@(ColIdx) vertcat(YourCell{:,ColIdx}), 1:size(YourCell,2), 'uniform', 0);


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