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How do I extract the ith string from a structure that contains i=1:n strings?

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a structure A.x which contains multiple short strings. (Each string is a date, i.e. '2013-05-15').
If I query as follows, just the first string is returned:
However, if I query as follows, I get the first two strings:
and so forth. I want to extract each string sequentially to store elsewhere, but I can't figure out how to index the structure.
A.x(1,:) doesn't work, A.x{1,:} doesn't work. Multiple strings are being stored in there but apparently as neither an array nor a cell. Or if it is an array, I'm using incorrect indices.
I presume there is some way instead to designate the left hand term such that it assigns the output from the right hand term into separate variables?
  1 Comment
Rik on 29 Mar 2022
Why do you want to use numbered variables? It looks like you already have an array you can index: A(n).x

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Accepted Answer

Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson on 29 Mar 2022
OK, that answers my question. I was putting the index in the wrong place, after the x rather than after the A.

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