Change Color of each individual item in a Listbox (using APP designer)

31 views (last 30 days)
I want to know how to change the color of each individual item in a Listbox. I know there are some solutions using uicontrol, but I want to know how to do it in APP designer.

Accepted Answer

Jasmine Poppick
Jasmine Poppick on 17 Mar 2023
Starting in R2023a you can do this using the addStyle function.
In the StartupFcn callback of the app, you can create a style using uistyle and specify the BackgroundColor property, and then add the style to an item of the list box. For example:
s = uistyle(BackgroundColor="yellow");

More Answers (2)

Cameron B
Cameron B on 27 Jan 2022
It doesn't look like you can change the value for individual BackgroundColor or FontColor on app designer (as opposed to a regular figure). See this for more details.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 Jan 2022
Edited: Image Analyst on 27 Jan 2022
Not sure you can, but if anyone knows how to do it, it's Undocumented Matlab


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