How to use a self-made loss function for a simple Neural Network in Matlab?
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I have been using
net = feedforwardnet(10) %or
net = fitnet(10)
for my regression problem in Matlab. I am using simple networks with 1 or 2 layers and ReLU activation function (net.transferFcn = 'poslin').
But now, I have to use a self-made custom loss functions instead of 'mse' (mean squared error). Could you please let me know how can I do this.
I have found the following document regarding using custom layers and loss functions:
But this is regarding to complex Neural Networks like CNN. I could not understand how to simplify this for a normal deep neural network.
Answers (2)
yanqi liu
on 30 Dec 2021
yes,sir,may be it same on:
we can find the default is mse
so,make the self definition function,
on 26 Jan 2024
I have been using net = feedforwardnet(10) %or net = fitnet(10) for my regression problem in Matlab. I am using simple networks with 1 or 2 layers and ReLU activation function (net.transferFcn = 'poslin'). But now, I have to use a self-made custom loss functions instead of 'mse' (mean squared error). Could you please let me know how can I do this. I have found the following document regarding using custom layers and loss functions: But this is regarding to complex Neural Networks like CNN. I could not understand how to simplify this for a normal deep neural network.
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