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R2014a MATLAB Compiler (mcc) on Linux throws "Invalid character was detected."

3 views (last 30 days)
Just wanted to share the solution found as it took me ages as mcc does not provide any reference to which files cause the warning messages ...
(BTW - mcc on Windows runs just fine without these warnings.)
The cause is the presence of non UTF8 characters in m-code. MATLAB on Linux has UTF8 as default character set whilst MATLAB on Windows may have a different character set such as windows-1252.
to determine this.
Anyways - it can be a pain to identify the m-files that cause the warning. The linux shell command below helped me a lot:
find . -name *.m -type f | xargs -I {} bash -c "iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16 {} &>/dev/null || echo {}" > utf8_fail
  1 Comment
Michael Steinbock
Michael Steinbock on 5 Aug 2018
Thanks! I also found this useful for then identifying the parts of the files that had the issues:
grep -axv '.*' myFunction.m
Also, for the inexperienced (like me), RAB's code will create a file called utf8_fail that will contain a list of the offending .m files.

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Answers (1)

Swarom Muley
Swarom Muley on 1 Jul 2019
Edited: Swarom Muley on 1 Jul 2019
New to Matlab


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