Set background color of the uifigure window title bar
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Trying to build a dark themed app with uifigure on Mac (Mac has global dark theme activated, which is unfortunately ignored by Matlab and its apps).
The main window title bar is white (even if i use f.Color = '#121212'). Is there a way to change its color? Via Java?
Not sure if it's worth at all to fight UI components to run on a dark background...the dropdown and all. But it seems that people succeded to have axes on a dark background.
f = uifigure;
f.Name = 'my App';
gl = uigridlayout(f,[2 2]);
gl.BackgroundColor = '#121212';
1 Comment
Adam Danz
on 16 Nov 2021
There are ways to customize the figure window but it's not worth the headache IMO
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