Reverse Engineering for matlab code?

6 views (last 30 days)
Neesha on 1 Oct 2014
Commented: José-Luis on 2 Oct 2014
I want to create a flow diagram for my matlab code. Is there a tool out there which can do reverse engineering and help create the flow diagram?
dpb on 1 Oct 2014
I agree completely with your version of semantics...fwiw which ain't a lot! :)
For Fortran, look at the Understand for Fortran product from SciTools I've successfully used it on grossly sphaghettified code. It's pricey, but they have a fully functional demo that you can use on a single project for like 15 day or so which is generally enough with it to get thru the rough patches on anything that isn't truly humongous in size.
José-Luis on 2 Oct 2014
Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.

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