How can I split time series in a half?

4 views (last 30 days)
The time series is consisted of 4096 samples.
I want to split it by two of 2048 samples.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 Oct 2021
ts1 = timeseries(rand(1,4096));
%official approach. uses indices
ss2a = getsampleusingtime(ts1, 1, 2048);
ss2b = getsampleusingtime(ts1, 2049, 4096);
ss2a, ss2b
timeseries Common Properties: Name: 'unnamed' Time: [2048x1 double] TimeInfo: tsdata.timemetadata Data: [1x1x2048 double] DataInfo: tsdata.datametadata timeseries Common Properties: Name: 'unnamed' Time: [2047x1 double] TimeInfo: tsdata.timemetadata Data: [1x1x2047 double] DataInfo: tsdata.datametadata
%another approach. Uses times with first time being 0
ss1a = resample(ts1, 0:2047);
ss1b = resample(ts1, 2048:4095);
ss1a, ss1b
timeseries Common Properties: Name: 'unnamed' Time: [2048x1 double] TimeInfo: tsdata.timemetadata Data: [1x1x2048 double] DataInfo: tsdata.datametadata timeseries Common Properties: Name: 'unnamed' Time: [2048x1 double] TimeInfo: tsdata.timemetadata Data: [1x1x2048 double] DataInfo: tsdata.datametadata

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