How to draw a line between two points on a graph?

19 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone,
Is there any way to draw a line on a plot in the center as shown in the figure. And I need the length of the line to be same as for the first plot and to the others. Please kindly help me. Thanks in advance.
My code:
Z = readtable('Atq100_2.xlsx') ;
data = table2array(Z) ;
N = size(data,2);
Nsp = N/2;
ttlc = {'x=10mm', 'x=250mm', 'x=500mm', 'x=1000mm', 'x=1500mm'};
xofst = [10 250 500 1000 1500];
ylim([-1 1]*200)
xlim([0 1600])
hold on
for k = 1:Nsp
col = [2 1]+2*(k-1);
famp = 5; % Amplification Factor
datacol1 = data(:,col(1))*famp+xofst(k);
hp(k) = plot(datacol1, data(:,col(2)), 'LineWidth',2);
% plot(data(:,col(1))+xofst(k), data(:,col(2)), 'LineWidth',2)
% minx = min(data(:,col(1))+xofst(k));
% maxx = max(data(:,col(1))+xofst(k));
minx = min(datacol1);
maxx = max(datacol1);
plot([1;1]*[minx maxx], ([1;1]*ylim).', ':k', 'LineWidth',1) % Plot Vertical 'scale' Lines
% plot([1;1]*[minx], ([1;1]*ylim).', ':k', 'LineWidth',1) % Plot Vertical 'scale' Lines
hold off
hl = legend([hp], ttlc, 'Location','northeastoutside');
WIth regards,

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 24 Sep 2021
I recognise that code!
I added this plot call to the others in the loop:
plot([minx maxx], [0 0], '-k', 'LineWidth',1) % Plot Horizontal 'zero' Lines
It plots a horizontal line at 0 for each section defined by the ‘scale’ lines.
Z = readtable('') ;
data = table2array(Z) ;
N = size(data,2);
Nsp = N/2;
ttlc = {'x=10mm', 'x=250mm', 'x=500mm', 'x=1000mm', 'x=1500mm'};
xofst = [10 250 500 1000 1500];
ylim([-1 1]*200)
xlim([0 1600])
hold on
for k = 1:Nsp
col = [2 1]+2*(k-1);
famp = 5; % Amplification Factor
datacol1 = data(:,col(1))*famp+xofst(k);
hp(k) = plot(datacol1, data(:,col(2)), 'LineWidth',2);
% plot(data(:,col(1))+xofst(k), data(:,col(2)), 'LineWidth',2)
% minx = min(data(:,col(1))+xofst(k));
% maxx = max(data(:,col(1))+xofst(k));
minx = min(datacol1);
maxx = max(datacol1);
plot([1;1]*[minx maxx], ([1;1]*ylim).', ':k', 'LineWidth',1) % Plot Vertical 'scale' Lines
% plot([1;1]*[minx], ([1;1]*ylim).', ':k', 'LineWidth',1) % Plot Vertical 'scale' Lines
plot([minx maxx], [0 0], '-k', 'LineWidth',1) % Plot Horizontal 'zero' Lines
hold off
hl = legend([hp], ttlc, 'Location','northeastoutside');
Experimenbt to get different results.

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Sep 2021
You can use either plot(), which is very general, or line() which is more specialized for lines.


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