I am trying to create an access table for multiple groundstations, but I've been getting this error:
"Error using access
Expected input number 2, OBJ2, to be a scalar.
Error in matlabshared.satellitescenario.internal.AddAssetsAndAnalyses.access
Error in matlabshared.satellitescenario.internal.PrimaryAsset/access"
Here is the code:
%Create Sat scenario
startTime = datetime(2021,6,02,8,23,0);
stopTime = startTime + hours(60);
sampleTime = 60;
sc = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime);
a = 800e3; e = 0; i = 96; raan = 100; aop = 90; ta = 0;
sat = satellite(sc,a_m,e,i,raan,aop,ta);
time = datetime(2021,6,02,12,30,0);
pos = states(sat,time,"CoordinateFrame","geographic");
%add ground stations
name = ["Svalbard, Norway","Tromso, Norway", "Inuvik,Canada",...
"Puertollano,Spain", "Athens,Greece","Los Angeles,USA",...
"Hartebeesthoek,S.Africa","Awarua,New Zealand","Punta Arenas,Chile",...
"Troll,Antartica", "Jeju, S.Korea"];
lat = [78.2, 69.6, 68.2,38.7,37.5,34.0,-25.8, -46.5,-53, -72.0,33.5];
lon = [15.3, 19.0,-133.3,-4,22.4,-118.3,27.7,168.4,-70, 2.5,126.8];
gs = groundStation(sc,"Name",name,"Latitude",lat, ...
"Longitude", lon);
And this is how I am doing the access:
ac = access(sat, gs);
intvls = accessIntervals(ac)
I would like something similar to the image attached, but showing other groundstations![](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/726054/image.jpeg)