Running >1 matlabpool jobs with the same local pool
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I have a user who is running parallel jobs using the 'local' matlabpool profile and is encountering problems when running 2 jobs concurrently. He knows that the local system can have 12 workers in the local pool, and so he divided the 2 jobs using 6 workers each, but with the same command:
matlabpool close force local
This seems wrong, but I cannot find anywhere in the documentation to verify my suspicions. Can anyone advise?
Answers (1)
Shashank Prasanna
on 11 Jul 2014
Maximum of 1 MATLAB worker per CPU core is recommended. This does not include hyperthreaded virtual cores. As an examples, if you have a dual core i5 processor, then it is recommended you start a local pool of 2 workers. Any more workers will mean they fight for cpu time and you most likely won't see any gain in performance.
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