Suppress "Optimization Terminated" message

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Jeremy on 4 Jul 2014
Can someone tell me why this R2014a code
intlinprogOptions = optimoptions('intlinprog', 'Display', 'off', 'MaxTime', 120, 'NodeSelection', 'simplebestproj', 'IPPreprocess', 'basic');
[x,fval,ExitFlag,~] = intlinprog(values,intcon,a',b,[],[],lb,ub,intlinprogOptions);
catch err
CrashCount = CrashCount + 1;
fprintf(FileIDLog, 'Intlinprog crash with default options with error identifier %s \r\n', err.identifier);
Still results in a stream of "Optimization Terminated" messages when run? I thought setting Display to Off with optimoptions would suppress this?
I also have the same problem with this R2011b code
bintprogOptions = optimset('Display', 'off', 'NodeDisplayInterval', 50, 'BranchStrategy', 'maxinfeas', 'MaxTime', 120, 'NodeSearchStrategy', 'bn', 'TolXInteger', 1.0e-6);
[x,fval,ExitFlag] = bintprog(values, a', b, [],[],[],bintprogOptions);
catch err
CrashCount = CrashCount + 1;
fprintf(FileIDLog, 'Bintprog crash with default options with error identifier %s \r\n',err.identifier);
Thanks! end

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