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Can we call Per script , from Level 2 S Function ?

1 view (last 30 days)
Working on S Function of a block. Using C to write it.
Need to call a Perl script once the simulation is over .
I know how to call perl script from command window , but is it possible to embedded the perl call in SFunction ?

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 May 2014
The C code could use fork() and exec*() and pipe(), or it could use popen(). All those are system calls that are not part of the C standard library and so are not certain to be supported on arbitrary architectures.
  1 Comment
Ajay Pherwani
Ajay Pherwani on 29 May 2014
Thats a good info thanks , But here i want to call perl script in matlab from S-Function (level 2). I wounder whether that is possible !!

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