Extracting data from a raster file with the borders of polygon (vector in shapefile)
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Hi everyone,
I am working with geotiff files and I want to extract the value of part of it restricted by a polygon in a shapefile. In ARC GIS there is a command called "extract by mask" and it is possible to extract part of a raster file using a polygon or another smaller raster which is smaller than the original file. Let me know how I can do it.
Cheers Abbas
Accepted Answer
Chad Greene
on 21 Sep 2014
This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but you could interpolate values given by lat/lon or map x/y using geotiffinterp. You may be able to adapt the regridding example in that link to suit your needs.
More Answers (1)
Suman Dhamala
on 28 Jun 2021
You can use clip raster by polygon function.
See Also
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