I have divided image into currently 4 levels. i.e. 64 patches. Can you please help me with source code of above formula of distance implementation? I am very thankful to you.Please guide me how should I implement this??

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I have attached image it has the distance formula for pyramid match kernel using chi-square distance for comparing two histograms of LRBP(i.e. LBP on Radon Transform) It requires the spatial resolution with L levels and currently I have represented image into 4 level Spatial Pyramid. So please help me to implement this formula of comparing histograms at all these 4 levels.
  1 Comment
radha on 22 Feb 2014
I am comparing the histograms of Sketch image with the Colour Image present in database. I Have Spatial Pyramid representation of the Sketch image only. Should I need to have a Spatial representation of Colour image also?? Thanks In Advance.. Please guide me as this is my final year Project.

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Answers (1)

tung nguyen
tung nguyen on 3 Nov 2015
take a look at the problem set 3 in the course CS131, taught by Fei Fei Li at Stanford Best

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