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How do I make an excel sheet?

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Elizabeth on 23 Jan 2014
Commented: per isakson on 23 Jan 2014
Hello all,
I am doing a project in order to import force values from an arduino to matlab.I am a beginner with the whole matlab program. I have my coding set up and now i want to incorporate a function or a button to have those values transfer from the matlab program to an excel sheet. What is the easiest way of doing this. Mind you these values are being transferred in real time.

Answers (2)

per isakson
per isakson on 23 Jan 2014
Did you try
doc xlswrite
Elizabeth on 23 Jan 2014
How do you export data from serial communication to a spread sheet?
per isakson
per isakson on 23 Jan 2014
Call xlswrite repeatedly, but that is probably not practical because of the poor performance of MsExcel.
Better, I think, is to save to simple file and export to Excel in a second step.

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David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 23 Jan 2014
xlswrite(filename,A,xlRange) writes to the rectangular region specified by xlRange in the first worksheet of the file.
filename = 'testdata.xlsx';
A = [12.7, 5.02, -98, 63.9, 0, -.2, 56];
if you want to write in a specific sheet and range:
filename = 'testdata.xlsx';
A = {'Time','Temperature'; 12,98; 13,99; 14,97};
sheet = 2;
xlRange = 'E1';
  1 Comment
Elizabeth on 23 Jan 2014
Edited: Elizabeth on 23 Jan 2014
If im using the serial port via arduino and sending the data to matlab how do i get this real time data from matlab to a spreadsheet. This data is random data from a force sensor and not hard coded data.

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