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mona faraji
mona faraji on 8 Jul 2011
for solving a problem it seems that I should use MuPAD I look for MuPAD in my MATLAB but I do not find any thing related.
is MuPad something that I must add to my MATLAB ? how can I find it?

Accepted Answer

bym on 8 Jul 2011
in the command line and look for symbolic math toolbox. If it's not in the list, then you would have to purchase it
  1 Comment
mona faraji
mona faraji on 11 Jul 2011
Thanks for your answer

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More Answers (1)

Kai Gehrs
Kai Gehrs on 11 Jul 2011
when you have the Symbolic Toolbox with MuPAD installed, then you can just execute the command "mupad" inside the MATLAB command window and it will start the MuPAD Notebook Interface.
Best regards, -- Kai


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