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Read the Text File in matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
Jothi on 11 Dec 2013
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 11 Dec 2013
I read the text file using
The output file contains some symbols. eg,  english
But their is no symbols in the input file.
why it comes?

Answers (2)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 11 Dec 2013
What's the contents of the original file? The output will depend on the coding of the original file. Were all the characters in the original file standard ones ( ASCII )? Anyway, read carefully the documentation of textread:
doc textread
You'll be tipped with several examples worth testing.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Dec 2013
If you are seeing those particular characters then your file is UTF encoded. I do not recall at the moment whether it is UTF-8 or UTF-16 that uses that exact sequence.
Remember that %s format reads a string at a time, and strings are terminated by whitespace. Are you trying to split it up into words or split it up into lines?
x = regexp( fileread(filename), '\n', 'split'); %read it and break it into lines.

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