How to know what type of block is?

4 views (last 30 days)
I am using this code to know the type of blocks who are in a system of simulink
tipo = get_param(['',gate{1},''],'BlockType');
But this only said if its a pulsegenerator or a Logic gate.
I would like to know if its possible to know how type of Logic gate is(nand, nor,...), number of inputs,....

Accepted Answer

Vishal Rane
Vishal Rane on 22 Nov 2013
tipo = get_param(gate{1}],'Operator');
will give you the type of logic gate. The extra quotes alongwith the concatenation are probably unnecessary.
get( get_param( gate{1}, 'Object'))
to get the entire properties structure. The fieldnames are the properties e.g. 'Operator'

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