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Dynamic mask dialogues - change parameters of more than one subsystem

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello everybody,
I'm currently using callbacks in parameter masks to switch block choice for configurable Subsystems. So I have a system tree like
- Isolierung (configurable subsystem)
- Bypass (Option 1)
- Schichtteil (Option 2)
- Isolierung1 (configurable subsystem)
- Bypass (Option 1)
- Schichtteil (Option 2)
When I use a parameter 'iso', it Looks (and works) like this for one subsystem:
switch (get_param(gcb,'iso'))
case 'mit Isolierung'
set_param([gcb '/Isolierung'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
case 'ohne Isolierung'
set_param([gcb '/Isolierung'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')
'iso' is Dropdown...
When I try to change more than one system, I get errors:
switch (get_param(gcb,'iso'))
case 'mit Isolierung'
set_param([gcb '/Isolierung'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
set_param([gcb '/Isolierung1'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
case 'ohne Isolierung'
set_param([gcb '/Isolierung'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')
set_param([gcb '/Isolierung1'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')
Error:Error invoking object method --> Error in Rohr_mit_Wand/Rohr NTU5: Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. -->Invalid Simulink object name: Rohr_mit_Wand/Rohr NTU5/Isolierung/Schichtteil/Isolierung1
Update: I investigated further:
>> gcb
ans =
comp_smscp/Rohre_Ventile/Rohr NTU5
>> get_param([gcb '/Isolierung3'], 'BlockChoice')
ans =
>> gcb
ans =
comp_smscp/Rohre_Ventile/Rohr NTU5
>> set_param([gcb '/Isolierung3'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
>> gcb
ans =
comp_smscp/Rohre_Ventile/Rohr NTU5/Isolierung3/Schichtteil
So with every set_param, gcb changes its path. How can I step back to the previous path or set multiple subsystem parameters at once?

Accepted Answer

Andreas on 29 Oct 2013
Ok, found the answer and the trick is quite simple: thinking ;)
What about using a variable to save the first correct block path given by "gcb"? Nevertheless I wonder why
set_param([gcb '/xxx'], 'yyy')
changes the path to "current block/xxx".
My solution looks like the following now:
path = gcb
switch (get_param(gcb,'iso'))
case 'mit Isolierung'
set_param([path '/Isolierung'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
set_param([path '/Isolierung1'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
set_param([path '/Isolierung2'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
set_param([path '/Isolierung3'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
set_param([path '/Isolierung4'], 'BlockChoice', 'Schichtteil')
case 'ohne Isolierung'
set_param([path '/Isolierung'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')
set_param([path '/Isolierung1'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')
set_param([path '/Isolierung2'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')
set_param([path '/Isolierung3'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')
set_param([path '/Isolierung4'], 'BlockChoice', 'Bypass')

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