MATLAB and Simulink Training

Stateflow for Logic-Driven System Modeling

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Course Details

This course shows how to implement complex decision flows and finite-state machines using Stateflow®. The course focuses on how to employ flow charts, state machines, truth tables, and state transition tables in Simulink® designs.
Topics include:
  • Flow charts
  • State machines
  • Hierarchical state machines
  • Parallel state machines
  • Events in state machines
  • Functions in state machines
  • Truth tables
  • State transition tables
  • Component-based modeling

Day 1 of 2

Modeling Flow Charts

Objective: Implement decision flows with flow charts.

  • Junctions and transitions
  • Flow chart behavior
  • Stateflow interface
  • Conditions and condition actions
  • Chart data
  • Common patterns

Modeling State Machines

Objective: Implement state machines with state transition diagrams.

  • State machine behavior
  • State and transition actions
  • Chart initialization
  • Action execution order
  • Flow charts within states
  • Mealy and Moore charts

Hierarchical State Diagrams

Objective: Implement hierarchical diagrams to improve the clarity of state machine designs.

  • Superstates and substates
  • State data
  • History junction
  • Transition priority
  • Action execution order

Parallel State Diagrams

Objective: Implement parallel states to model multiprocessing designs.

  • Benefits of parallel states
  • Chart/state decomposition
  • Parallel state behavior

Day 2 of 2

Using Events in State Diagrams

Objective: Use events within a Stateflow diagram to affect chart execution.

  • Using events in state diagrams
  • Broadcasting events
  • Behavior of state diagrams that contain events
  • Implicit events
  • Temporal logic operators

Calling Functions from Stateflow

Objective: Create functions in a Stateflow chart out of Simulink blocks, MATLAB code, and flow charts.

  • Types of functions
  • Simulink functions
  • MATLAB functions
  • Graphical functions

Truth Tables and State Transition Tables

Objective: Create flow charts and state transition diagrams in tabular form.

  • Truth tables
  • Conditions, decisions, and actions
  • State transition tables
  • States, transitions, and actions

Component-Based Modeling in Stateflow

Objective: Prepare Stateflow designs for component reuse and interact with structured Simulink data.

  • Bus signals
  • Data types
  • Atomic subcharts
  • Data mapping
  • Chart reuse

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2 days

Languages: Deutsch, English, 中文, 한국어

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