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Command robot to move along the desired Cartesian waypoints

Since R2024a



followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,waypointTimes) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through RTDE interface based on the specified Cartesian waypoints configuration and the time for each waypoint segment to reach the position.


followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,waypointTimes,Name=Value)) commands the Universal Robots cobot connected through RTDE interface using name-value arguments in addition to the input arguments in the previous syntax. You can use the name-value arguments to set the acceleration, velocity, and blend radius.


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Connect to a physical or simulated cobot, using urRTDEClient object.

ur = urRTDEClient('');

Command the cobot to by providing the desired Cartesian waypoints.

taskWaypoints = [-pi/2    0  -pi/2 0.5     0  0.5;
                 -pi/4    0  -pi/2 0.5   0.3  0.6;
                 -pi/2    0  -pi/2 0.5     0  0.8;
                 -3*pi/4  0  -pi/2 0.5  -0.3  0.6;
                 -pi/2    0  -pi/2 0.5     0  0.5];
wayPointtimes = [0 2 4 6 8];

Input Arguments

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Connection to physical or simulated cobot from Universal Robots, specified as a urRTDEClient object.

Desired Cartesian pose in the form of waypoints of the simulated cobot, represented as a N-by-6 numeric vector, in the form of [thetaz thetay thetax x y z]. The units are radians and seconds respectively for the three axes, for N waypoints.

Data Types: numeric

Absolute time (time from start) for each waypoint segment to complete the motion, represented as a 1-by-N numeric vector, specified in seconds.

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,waypointTimes,Acceleration=acceleration)

Acceleration to control trapezoidal speed profile of trajectory.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,waypointTimes,Acceleration=acceleration)

Velocity to control trapezoidal speed profile of trajectory.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,waypointTimes,Velocity=velocity)

Blend radius for waypoints to pass through, when the cobot does not need to stop.

Example: followCartesianWaypoints(ur,taskWaypoints,waypointTimes,BlendRadius=blendRadius)

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also