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Calculate dimensions of output line section for specified frequency

Since R2022a


[Length,Width] = designOutputLine(balunobj,frequency) calculates the dimensions of the output line section of a coupled-line balun around a specified frequency.


designOutputLine is the third step in designing a coupled line balun. This function is preceded by designCoupledLine and designUncoupledLine as the first and second step, respectively.

___ = designOutputLine(___,Name=Value) calculates the dimensions of the output line section of a coupled-line balun with additional options specified using name-value arguments.


PCB components designed using the design function operate around the specified frequency with a 10-15% tolerance.



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Define the frequency at 4 GHz.

f = 4e9;

Create a coupled line balun object.

balun = balunCoupledLine
balun = 
  balunCoupledLine with properties:

    NumCoupledLineSection: 3
        CoupledLineLength: 0.0153
         CoupledLineWidth: 4.0000e-04
       CoupledLineSpacing: 1.4000e-04
       UncoupledLineShape: [1×1 ubendMitered]
         OutputLineLength: 0.0124
          OutputLineWidth: 1.5300e-04
        OutputLineSpacing: 0.0110
                   Height: 0.0013
         GroundPlaneWidth: 0.0200
                Substrate: [1×1 dielectric]
                Conductor: [1×1 metal]


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title balunCoupledLine element, xlabel x (mm), ylabel y (mm) contains 8 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed, FR4.

Step 1: Design coupled line section

Design the coupled line section of the balun with an even mode impedance of 159 ohms and an odd mode impedance of 51 ohms. Use the helper function designCoupledLine.

[ClineL,ClineW,ClineS] = designCoupledLine(balun,f,'Z0e',159,'Z0o',51)
ClineL = 0.0107
ClineW = 4.2682e-04
ClineS = 1.4374e-04

Step 2: Design uncoupled line section

Design the uncoupled line section of the balun with the even and odd mode impedance of 59 ohms. Use the helper function designUncoupledLine.

[unclineL,unclineW] = designUncoupledLine(balun,f,'Z0',59,'LineLength',0.25)
unclineL = 0.0103
unclineW = 0.0018

Step 3: Design output line section

Design the output line section of the balun at the same frequency to extend the port 2 and port3. Use the helper function designOutputLine.

[OutL,OutW] = designOutputLine(balun,f,'Z0e',159,'Z0o',51,'Z0',59,'Zref',50)
OutL = 0.0109
OutW = 1.6115e-04

Set all the design dimensions to the coupled balun object.

balun.CoupledLineLength  = ClineL;
balun.CoupledLineWidth  = ClineW;
balun.CoupledLineSpacing  = ClineS;
UnCoupledLine = ubendMitered;
UnCoupledLine.Length  = [unclineL/2,unclineL/4,unclineL/2];
UnCoupledLine.Width   = [unclineW,unclineW,unclineW];
balun.UncoupledLineShape = UnCoupledLine;
balun.OutputLineLength = OutL;
balun.OutputLineWidth = OutW;
balun.OutputLineSpacing = OutL+ClineS;
gndW = 25e-3;
balun.GroundPlaneWidth = gndW; 

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title balunCoupledLine element, xlabel x (mm), ylabel y (mm) contains 8 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed, FR4.

Analyze and plot the S-parameters of this balun.

s11 = sparameters(balun,linspace(3.5e9,4.5e9,31));

figure; rfplot(s11,1,1);
hold on; rfplot(s11,1,3)
hold on; rfplot(s11,1,2)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent dB(S_{11}), dB(S_{13}), dB(S_{12}).

Input Arguments

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Coupled-line balun, specified as a balunCoupledLine object.

Example: balunobj = balunCoupledLine; design(balunobj,2e9) designs a coupled-line balun around a frequency of 2 GHz and returns the OutputLineLength and OutputLineWidth properties of the coupled line balun.

Design frequency of coupled-line balun, specified as a real positive scalar in hertz.

Example: 55e6

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: Z0o=61

Even mode impedance of the coupled-line, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.


The even mode impedance should be same as the even mode impedance of the coupled line section.

Data Types: double

Odd mode impedance of the coupled-line, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.


The odd mode impedance should be same as the odd mode impedance of the coupled line section.

Data Types: double

Impedance of the uncoupled-line, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.


The impedance should be same as the impedance of the uncoupled line section.

Data Types: double

Reference impedance to match the output, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Length of the output line section, returned as a positive scalar.

Width of the output line section, returned as a positive scalar.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a