Radar Data Generator
Radar Toolbox
The Radar Data Generator block reads target poses and time from a scenario reader and generates detection and track reports of targets from a radar sensor model. Use this block to generate sensor data from a scenario containing targets, sensors, and trajectories, which you can read from a Scenario Reader (Automated Driving Toolbox) block or Tracking Scenario Reader (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox).
The Radar Data Generator block can generate clustered or unclustered detections with added random noise and can also generate false alarm detections. You can also generate tracks from the Radar Data Generator block. Use the Target reporting format parameter to specify whether targets are output as clustered detections, unclustered detections, or tracks.
Using the Radar Data Generator Block
Open and run the Radar Data Generator block in Simulink™.
Targets (Body Frame) — Target poses
Simulink® bus containing MATLAB® structure
Target poses in platform coordinates, specified as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. The Targets
port can accept output from the Actors
output port of the Scenario
Reader (Automated Driving Toolbox) block in the Automated Driving Toolbox™ or from the Platforms
output port of the Tracking Scenario
Reader (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) in the Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™.
The Scenario Reader block and the Tracking Scenario
Reader block output pose data in different formats. The Radar Data
Generator reads data from either block. In each case, the data consists of
two data fields followed by an array of structures. These structures define the number
of Platforms
or the number of Actors
and Actors
are collectively called
Field | Description | Type | ||||||
| Number of valid target poses | Nonnegative integer | ||||||
Time | Current simulation time (optional). If missing, the current Simulink simulation time is used. | Real-valued scalar | ||||||
| Valid target poses | Array of target pose structures |
The Actors
structure is described in the output port
of the Scenario
Reader (Automated Driving Toolbox) block and the Platforms
structure is described in
the output port of the Tracking Scenario
Reader (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) block.
INS — Radar pose from INS
Simulink bus containing MATLAB structure
Radar pose information from an inertial navigation system (INS), specified as a
Simulink bus containing a single MATLAB structure. The structure includes pose information for the radar
platform that is provided by the INS. The INS information can then be used to estimate
the target positions in the NED frame. INS is a struct
with the
following fields:
Field | Definition |
Position | Position in the scenario frame specified as a real-valued 1-by-3 vector. Units are in meters. |
Velocity | Velocity in the scenario frame specified as a real-valued 1-by-3 vector. Units are in m/s. |
Orientation | Orientation with respect to the scenario frame, specified as a 3-by-3 real-valued rotation matrix. The rotation is from the navigation frame to the current INS body frame. This is also referred to as a "parent to child" rotation. |
To enable this port, select the Enable INS check box.
Time — Current simulation time
nonnegative scalar
Current simulation time, specified as a nonnegative scalar. The sensor only generates reports at simulation times corresponding to integer multiples of the update interval, which is given by the reciprocal of the Update rate (Hz) parameter. Units are in seconds.
To enable this port, set the Source of target truth time to
Input port
If this port is not enabled, then the time is taken from the time on the
Target poses
input bus. If time is not on this bus, then the
current Simulink simulation time is used.
Data Types: double
Clustered detections — Clustered object detections
Simulink bus containing MATLAB structure
Clustered object detections, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. For more details about buses, see Create Nonvirtual Buses (Simulink).
With clustered detections, the block outputs a single detection per target, where each detection is the centroid of the unclustered detections for that target.
You can pass object detections from these sensors and other sensors to a tracker, such as the Global Nearest Neighbor Multi Object Tracker (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox) block in the Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox.
The structure contains these fields.
Field | Description | Type |
NumDetections | Number of valid detections | Nonnegative integer |
IsValidTime | False when updates are requested at times that are between block invocation intervals | Boolean |
Detections | Object detections | Array of object detection structures of length set by the
Maximum number of target reports parameter. Only
NumDetections of these are actual detections. |
Each object detection structure contains these properties.
Property | Definition |
Time | Measurement time |
Measurement | Object measurements |
MeasurementNoise | Measurement noise covariance matrix |
SensorIndex | Unique ID of the sensor |
ObjectClassID | Object classification |
ObjectAttributes | Additional information passed to tracker |
MeasurementParameters | Parameters used by initialization functions of nonlinear Kalman tracking filters |
For rectangular coordinates,
are reported in the rectangular coordinate system specified by the Coordinate system parameter.For spherical coordinates,
are reported in the spherical coordinate system, which is based on the sensor rectangular coordinate system.
and MeasurementNoise
Coordinate System | Measurement and
MeasurementNoise Coordinates | |||||||||||||||
Scenario | This table shows how coordinates are affected by the Enable range rate measurements parameter.
| |||||||||||||||
Body | ||||||||||||||||
Sensor rectangular | ||||||||||||||||
Sensor spherical | This table shows how coordinates are affected by the Enable elevation angle measurements and Enable range rate measurements parameters.
For ObjectAttributes
, this table describes the additional information
used for tracking.
Attribute | Definition | ||||||||||
TargetIndex | Identifier of the ActorID or
PlatformID of the target that generated the
detection. For false alarms, this value is negative. | ||||||||||
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio of the detection. Units are in dB. | ||||||||||
BounceTargetIndex | Identifier of the target generating the multipath bounce that produced
the ghost target report. Only present when HasGhosts is
true . | ||||||||||
BouncePathIndex | Index of the bounce path associated with the target report. Only
present when HasGhosts is
Bounce-Path Index
For MeasurementParameters
, the measurements are relative to the
parent frame. When you set the Coordinate system parameter to
, the parent frame is the platform body. When you set
Coordinate system to Sensor rectangular
Sensor spherical
, the parent frame is the sensor.
Parameter | Definition |
Frame | Enumerated type indicating the frame used to report measurements. When
Frame is set to 'rectangular' ,
detections are reported in Cartesian coordinates. When
Frame is set to 'spherical' ,
detections are reported in spherical coordinates. |
OriginPosition | 3-D vector offset of the sensor origin from the parent frame origin. |
Orientation | Orientation of the radar sensor coordinate system with respect to the parent frame. |
HasVelocity | Indicates whether measurements contain velocity or range rate components. |
HasElevation | Indicates whether measurements contain elevation components. |
To enable this port, select the Target reporting format
pull-down menu as Clustered detections
Tracks — Object tracks
Simulink bus containing MATLAB structure
Object tracks, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. See Create Nonvirtual Buses (Simulink).
This table shows the structure fields.
Field | Description |
NumTracks | Number of tracks |
IsValidTime | False when updates are requested at times that are between block invocation intervals |
Tracks | Array of track structures of a length set by the Maximum number
of target reports parameter. Only the first
NumTracks of these are actual tracks. |
This table shows the fields of each track structure.
Field | Definition |
TrackID | Unique track identifier used to distinguish multiple tracks. |
BranchID | Unique track branch identifier used to distinguish multiple track branches. |
SourceIndex | Unique source index used to distinguish tracking sources in a multiple tracker environment. |
UpdateTime | Time at which the track is updated. Units are in seconds. |
Age | Number of times the track was updated. |
State | Value of state vector at the update time. |
StateCovariance | Uncertainty covariance matrix. |
ObjectClassID | Integer value representing the object classification. The value
0 represents an unknown classification. Nonzero
classifications apply only to confirmed tracks. |
TrackLogic | Confirmation and deletion logic type. This value is always
'History' for radar sensors, to indicate
history-based logic. |
TrackLogicState | Current state of the track logic type, returned as a 1-by-K logical array. K is the number of latest track logical states recorded.
In the array, |
IsConfirmed | Confirmation status. This field is true if the track
is confirmed to be a real target. |
IsCoasted | Coasting status. This field is true if the track is
updated without a new detection. |
IsSelfReported | Indicate if the track is reported by the tracker. This field is
used in a track fusion environment. It is returned as
ObjectAttributes | Additional information about the track. |
For more details about these fields, see objectTrack
The block outputs only confirmed tracks, which are tracks to which the block assigns at least M detections during the first N updates after track initialization. To specify the values M and N, use the M and N for the M-out-of-N confirmation parameter.
To enable this port, on the Parameters tab, set the
Target reporting format parameter to
Detections — Unclustered object detections
Simulink bus containing MATLAB structure
Unclustered object detections, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. For more details about buses, see Create Nonvirtual Buses (Simulink).
With unclustered detections, the block outputs all detections, and a target can have multiple detections.
You can pass object detections from these sensors and other sensors to a tracker, such as a Multi-Object Tracker (Automated Driving Toolbox) block, and generate tracks.
The structure must contain these fields:
Field | Description | Type |
NumDetections | Number of valid detections | integer |
IsValidTime | False when updates are requested at times that are between block invocation intervals | Boolean |
Detections | Object detections | Array of object detection structures of length set by the
Maximum number of target reports parameter. Only
NumDetections of these are actual detections. |
Each object detection structure contains these properties.
Property | Definition |
Time | Measurement time |
Measurement | Object measurements |
MeasurementNoise | Measurement noise covariance matrix |
SensorIndex | Unique ID of the sensor |
ObjectClassID | Object classification |
ObjectAttributes | Additional information passed to tracker |
MeasurementParameters | Parameters used by initialization functions of nonlinear Kalman tracking filters |
For rectangular coordinates,
are reported in the rectangular coordinate system specified by the Coordinate system parameter.For spherical coordinates,
are reported in the spherical coordinate system, which is based on the sensor rectangular coordinate system.
and MeasurementNoise
Coordinate System | Measurement and
MeasurementNoise Coordinates | |||||||||||||||
Scenario | This table shows how coordinates are affected by the Enable range rate measurements parameter.
| |||||||||||||||
Body | ||||||||||||||||
Sensor rectangular | ||||||||||||||||
Sensor spherical | This table shows how coordinates are affected by the Enable elevation angle measurements and Enable range rate measurements parameters.
For ObjectAttributes
, this table describes the additional information
used for tracking.
Attribute | Definition | ||||||||||
TargetIndex | Identifier of the ActorID or
PlatformID of the target that generated the
detection. For false alarms, this value is negative. | ||||||||||
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio of the detection. Units are in dB. | ||||||||||
BounceTargetIndex | Identifier of the target generating the multipath bounce that produced
the ghost target report. Only present when HasGhosts is
true . | ||||||||||
BouncePathIndex | Index of the bounce path associated with the target report. Only
present when HasGhosts is
Bounce-Path Index
For MeasurementParameters
, the measurements are relative to the
parent frame. When you set the Coordinate system parameter to
, the parent frame is the platform body. When you set
Coordinate system to Sensor rectangular
Sensor spherical
, the parent frame is the sensor.
Parameter | Definition |
Frame | Enumerated type indicating the frame used to report measurements. When
Frame is set to 'rectangular' ,
detections are reported in Cartesian coordinates. When
Frame is set to 'spherical' ,
detections are reported in spherical coordinates. |
OriginPosition | 3-D vector offset of the sensor origin from the parent frame origin. |
Orientation | Orientation of the radar sensor coordinate system with respect to the parent frame. |
HasVelocity | Indicates whether measurements contain velocity or range rate components. |
HasElevation | Indicates whether measurements contain elevation components. |
To enable this port, set the Target reporting format
parameter to Detections
Configuration — Current sensor configuration
Simulink bus containing MATLAB structure
Configuration, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. This output can be used to determine which objects fall within the radar beam during object execution. The structure fields are:
Field | Description | Type |
NumConfigurations | Number of valid configurations | integer |
Configurations | Configuration structure | Array of NumConfigurations configuration structures
The configuration structure hast these fields:
Field | Description |
SensorIndex | Unique sensor index, returned as a positive integer. |
IsValidTime | Valid detection time, returned as |
IsScanDone |
| Field of view of the sensor, returned as a 2-by-1 vector of
positive real values, [ |
RangeLimits | Minimum and maximum range of sensor, in meters, specified as a
1-by-2 nonnegative real-valued vector of the form
RangeRateLimits | Minimum and maximum range rate of sensor, in meters per second,
specified as a 1-by-2 real-valued vector of the form
MeasurementParameters | Sensor measurement parameters, returned as an array of structures
containing the coordinate frame transforms needed to transform positions
and velocities in the top-level frame to the current sensor frame. For
details on |
To enable this port, select the Enable radar configuration output check box.
Sensor IdentificationUnique identifier of sensor — Unique sensor identifier
(default) | positive integer
Unique sensor identifier, specified as a positive integer. Use this parameter to
distinguish between detections or tracks that come from different sensors in a
multisensor system. Specify a unique value for each sensor. If you do not update
Unique identifier of sensor from the default value of
, then the radar returns an error at the start of
Update rate (Hz) — Sensor update rate
(default) | positive real scalar
Update rate, specified as a positive real scalar. The radar generates new reports at intervals defined by this reciprocal value. Any sensor update requested between update intervals contains no detections or tracks. Units are in Hz.
Translation [ X, Y, Z ] relative to ego origin (m) — Mounting location of radar on platform
(default) | 1-by-3 real-valued vector of form [x,y,z]
Sensor location on the radar on the platform, specified as a 1-by-3 real-valued
vector of the form [x,y,z]
. This parameter defines the coordinates
of the sensor along the x-axis, y-axis, and
z-axis relative to the platform origin. Units are in
Rotation [Yaw,Pitch,Roll] relative to ego's frame (deg) — Mounting rotation angles of radar
[0 0 0]
(default) | 1-by-3 real-valued vector of form [zyaw
Mounting rotation angles of the radar, specified as a 1-by-3 real-valued vector of form [zyaw ypitch xroll]. This parameter defines the intrinsic Euler angle rotation of the sensor around the z-axis, y-axis, and x-axis with respect to the platform frame, where:
zyaw, or yaw angle, rotates the sensor around the z-axis of the platform frame.
ypitch, or pitch angle, rotates the sensor around the y-axis of the platform frame. This rotation is relative to the sensor position that results from the zyaw rotation.
xroll, or roll angle, rotates the sensor about the x-axis of the platform frame. This rotation is relative to the sensor position that results from the zyaw and ypitch rotations.
These angles are clockwise-positive when looking in the forward direction of the z-axis, y-axis, and x-axis, respectively. Units are in degrees.
Enable elevation angle measurements — Enable radar to measure target elevation angles
(default) |
Select this check box to model a radar sensor that can estimate target elevation.
Enable range rate measurements — Enable radar to measure target range rates
(default) |
Select this check box to enable the radar to measure range rates from target detections.
Add noise to measurements — Enable addition of noise to radar sensor measurements
(default) |
Select this parameter to add noise to the radar measurements. Otherwise, the
measurements have no noise. Even if you clear this parameter, the measurement noise
covariance matrix, which is reported in the MeasurementNoise
of the generated detections output, represents the measurement noise that is added
when Add noise to measurements is selected.
Enable false reports — Enable creating false alarm radar detections
(default) |
Select this parameter to enable creating false alarm radar measurements. If you clear this parameter, the radar reports only actual detections.
Enable occlusion — Enable line-of-sight occlusion
(default) |
Select this parameter to enable line-of-sight occlusion, where the radar generates detection only from objects for which the radar has a direct line of sight. For example, with this parameter enabled, the radar does not generate a detection for an object that is behind another object and blocked from view.
Enable ghosts — Enable ghost targets
(default) |
Select this parameter to generate ghost targets for multipath propagation paths having up to three reflections between transmission and reception of the radar signal.
Maximum number of target reports — Maximum number of detections or tracks
(default) | positive integer
Maximum number of detections or tracks that the sensor reports, specified as a positive integer. The sensor reports detections in order of increasing distance from the sensor until reaching this maximum number.
Target reporting format — Format of generated target reports
Clustered detections (default) |
| Detections
Format of generated target reports, specified as one of these options:
Clustered detections — The block generates target reports as clustered detections, where each target is reported as a single detection that is the centroid of the unclustered target detections. The block returns clustered detections at the Clustered detections output port.
Tracks — The block generates target reports as tracks, which are clustered detections that have been processed by a tracking filter. The block returns clustered detections at the Tracks output port.
Detections — The block generates target reports as unclustered detections, where each target can have multiple detections. The block returns clustered detections at the Detections output port.
Coordinate system — Coordinate system of reported detections
(default) |
Sensor rectangular |
Sensor spherical
Coordinate system of reported detections, specified as one of these options:
Body — Detections are reported in the rectangular body system of the sensor platform.
Sensor rectangular — Detections are reported in the sensor rectangular body coordinate system.
Sensor spherical — Detections are reported in a spherical coordinate system that is centered at the radar sensor and aligned with the orientation of the radar on the platform.
Scenario — Detections are reported in the rectangular scenario coordinate frame. The scenario coordinate system is defined as the local navigation frame at simulation start time.
Source of target truth time — Source of target truth time
(default) |
Input port
Source of output truth time, specified as one of these options:
— The block uses the time provided on the target bus, or if not present, the current Simulink simulation time.Input port
— The block uses the time provided on theTime
input port of the block.
Enable INS — Enable INS input port
off (default) | on
Select this parameter to allow input of INS data using the INS
input port.
Source of output target report bus name — Source of output target report bus name
(default) |
Source of output target report bus name, specified as one of these options:
— The block automatically creates a bus name.Property
— Specify the bus name by using the Specify an output target report bus name parameter.
This bus contains Clustered detections, Tracks, or Detections output port data.
Specify an output target report bus name — Name of target report output bus
(default) | valid bus name
Name of the target report bus to be returned in output port, specified as a valid bus name.
To enable this parameter, set the Source of output target report bus
name parameter to Property
Enable radar configuration output — Enable radar configuration output
(default) |
Enable the Configuration
output port.
Source of output config bus name — Source of output config bus name
(default) | Property
Source of output config
bus name, specified as one of these
— The block automatically creates a bus name.Property
— Specify the bus name by using the Specify an output config bus name parameter.
Specify an output config bus name — Name of target report output bus
(default) | valid bus name
Specify the name of the config
bus returned in the output
To enable this parameter, set the Source of output config bus
name parameter to Property
Resolution SettingsAzimuth resolution (deg) — Azimuth resolution of radar
(default) | positive real scalar
Azimuth resolution of the radar, specified as a positive scalar. The azimuth resolution defines the minimum separation in azimuth angle at which the radar can distinguish between two targets. The azimuth resolution is typically the 3 dB downpoint of the azimuth angle beamwidth of the radar. Units are in degrees.
Elevation resolution (deg) — Elevation resolution of radar
(default) | positive real scalar
Elevation resolution of the radar, specified as a positive scalar. The elevation resolution defines the minimum separation in elevation angle at which the radar can distinguish between two targets. The elevation resolution is typically the 3 dB downpoint of the elevation angle beamwidth of the radar. Units are in degrees.
To enable this parameter, select the Enable elevation angle measurements check box.
Range resolution (m) — Range resolution of radar
(default) | positive real scalar
Range resolution of the radar in meters, specified as a positive real scalar. The range resolution defines the minimum separation in range at which the radar can distinguish between two targets. Units are in meters.
Range rate resolution (m/s) — Range rate resolution of radar
(default) | positive real scalar
Range rate resolution of the radar, specified as a positive real scalar. The range rate resolution defines the minimum separation in range rate at which the radar can distinguish between two targets. Units are in meters per second.
To enable this parameter, on the Parameters tab, select the Enable range rate measurements check box.
Azimuth bias fraction — Azimuth bias fraction of radar
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Azimuth bias fraction of the radar, specified as a nonnegative scalar. Azimuth bias is expressed as a fraction of the azimuth resolution specified in the Azimuth resolution (deg) parameter. This value sets a lower bound on the azimuthal accuracy of the radar and is dimensionless.
Elevation bias fraction — Elevation bias fraction of radar
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Elevation bias fraction of the radar, specified as a nonnegative scalar. Elevation bias is expressed as a fraction of the elevation resolution specified in the Elevation resolution (deg) parameter. This value sets a lower bound on the elevation accuracy of the radar and is dimensionless.
To enable this parameter, select the Enable elevation angle measurements check box.
Range bias fraction — Range bias fraction
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Range bias fraction of the radar, specified as a nonnegative scalar. Range bias is expressed as a fraction of the range resolution specified by the Range resolution (m) property. This property sets a lower bound on the range accuracy of the radar and is dimensionless.
Range rate bias fraction — Range rate bias fraction
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Range rate bias fraction of the radar, specified as a nonnegative scalar. Range rate bias is expressed as a fraction of the range rate resolution specified by the Range rate resolution (m/s) parameter. This property sets a lower bound on the range rate accuracy of the radar and is dimensionless.
To enable this parameter, select the Enable range rate measurements check box.
Total angular field of view [AZ, EL] (deg) — Angular field of view of radar
[20 5]
(default) | 1-by-2 positive real-valued vector of form [azfov,elfov]
Angular field of view of the radar, specified as a 1-by-2 positive real-valued
vector of the form [azfov elfov]
. The field of view defines the
total angular extent spanned by the sensor. The azimuth field of view,
, must lie in the interval (0, 360]. The elevation field of
view, elfov
, must lie in the interval (0, 180]. Units are in
Range limits [MIN, MAX] (m) — Minimum and maximum range of radar
[0 150]
(default) | 1-by-2 nonnegative real-valued vector of form [min
Minimum and maximum range of the radar, specified as a 1-by-2 nonnegative
real-valued vector of the form [min max]
. The radar does not detect
targets that are outside this range. The maximum range, max
, must
be greater than the minimum range, min
. Units are in meters.
Range rate limits [MIN, MAX] (m/s) — Minimum and maximum range rate of radar (m/s)
[-100 100]
(default) | 1-by-2 real-valued vector of form [min max]
Minimum and maximum range rate of radar as a 1-by-2 real-valued vector of the form
[min max]
. The radar does not detect targets that are outside
this range rate. The maximum range rate, max
, must be greater than
the minimum range rate, min
. Units are in meters per
To enable this parameter, select the Enable range rate measurements check box.
Detection probability — Probability of detecting a target
(default) | scalar in range (0, 1]
Probability of detecting a target as a scalar, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 1]. This quantity defines the probability of detecting a target with a radar cross-section, with the radar cross-section specified by the Reference target RCS (dBsm) parameter at the reference detection range specified by the Reference target range (m) parameter. Units are dimensionless.
False alarm rate — False alarm report rate
(default) | positive real scalar in range [10–7,
False alarm report rate within each radar resolution cell, specified as a positive real scalar in the range [10–7, 10–3]. The block determines resolution cells from the Azimuth resolution (deg) and Range resolution (m) parameters and, when enabled, from the Elevation resolution (deg) and Range rate resolution (m/s) parameters. Units are dimensionless.
Reference target range (m) — Reference range for given probability of detection
(default) | positive real scalar
Reference range for the given probability of detection and the given reference radar cross-section (RCS) , specified as a positive real scalar. The reference range is the range at which a target having a radar cross-section specified by the Reference target RCS (dBsm) parameter is detected with a probability of detection specified by the Detection probability parameter. Units are in meters.
Reference target RCS (dBsm) — Reference radar cross-section for given probability of detection
(default) | real scalar
Reference radar cross-section (RCS) for a given probability of detection and reference range, specified as a real scalar. The reference RCS is the RCS value at which a target is detected with a probability specified by the Detection probability parameter at the specified Reference target range (m) parameter value. Values are expressed in dBsm.
Center frequency (Hz) — Center frequency of radar band
(default) | positive real scalar
Center frequency of the radar band, specified as a positive scalar. Units are in Hz.
Filter initialization function name — Kalman filter initialization function
(default) | function handle
Kalman filter initialization function, specified as a character vector or string scalar of the name of a valid Kalman filter initialization function.
The table shows the initialization functions that you can use to specify Filter initialization function name.
Initialization Function | Function Definition |
initcaabf | Initialize constant-acceleration alpha-beta Kalman filter |
initcvabf | Initialize constant-velocity alpha-beta Kalman filter |
initcakf | Initialize constant-acceleration linear Kalman filter. |
initcvkf | Initialize constant-velocity linear Kalman filter. |
initcaekf | Initialize constant-acceleration extended Kalman filter. |
initctekf | Initialize constant-turnrate extended Kalman filter. |
initcvekf | Initialize constant-velocity extended Kalman filter. |
initcaukf | Initialize constant-acceleration unscented Kalman filter. |
initctukf | Initialize constant-turnrate unscented Kalman filter. |
initcvukf | Initialize constant-velocity unscented Kalman filter. |
You can also write your own initialization function. The function must have the following syntax:
filter = filterInitializationFcn(detection)
object. The output of this function must be a tracking
filter object, such as trackingKF
, trackingEKF
, trackingUKF
, or trackingABF
To guide you in writing this function, you can examine the details of the supplied functions from within MATLAB. For example:
type initcvekf
To enable this parameter, set the Target reporting format
parameter to 'Tracks'
M and N for the M-out-of-N confirmation — Threshold for track confirmation
[2 3]
(default) | 1-by-2 vector of positive integers
Threshold for track confirmation, specified as a 1-by-2 vector of positive
integers of the form [M N]
. A track is confirmed if it receives at
least M
detections in the last N
must be less than or equal to N
When setting
, take into account the probability of object detection for the sensors. The probability of detection depends on factors such as occlusion or clutter. You can reduceM
when tracks fail to be confirmed or increaseM
when too many false detections are assigned to tracks.When setting
, consider the number of times you want the tracker to update before it makes a confirmation decision. For example, if a tracker updates every 0.05 seconds, and you want to allow 0.5 seconds to make a confirmation decision, setN = 10
To enable this parameter, set the Target reporting format
parameter to 'Tracks'
P and R for the P-out-of-R deletion — Threshold for track deletion
[5 5]
(default) | 1-by-2 vector of positive integers
Threshold for track deletion, specified as a 1-by-2 vector of positive integers of
the form [P R]
. If a confirmed track is not assigned to any
detection P
times in the last R
tracker updates,
then the track is deleted. P
must be less than or equal to
To reduce how long the radar maintains tracks, decrease
or increaseP
.To maintain tracks for a longer time, increase
or decreaseP
To enable this parameter, set the Target reporting format
parameter to 'Tracks'
Random number generation — Method to specify random number generator seed
(default) |
Specify seed
Not repeatable
Method to set the random number generator seed as one of the options in the table.
Option | Description |
Repeatable | The block generates a random initial seed for the first
simulation and reuses this seed for all subsequent simulations. Select
this parameter to generate repeatable results from the statistical sensor
model. To change this initial seed, at the MATLAB command prompt, enter: |
Specify seed | Specify your own random initial seed for reproducible results by using the Initial seed parameter. |
Not repeatable | The block generates a new random initial seed after each simulation run. Select this parameter to generate nonrepeatable results from the statistical sensor model. |
Initial seed — Random number generator seed
(default) | nonnegative integer less than 232
Random number generator seed, specified as a nonnegative integer less than 232.
To enable this parameter, set the Random number generation
parameter to Specify seed
Target Profiles
Target profiles definition — Method to specify target profiles
From Scenario Reader block
(default) | MATLAB expression
| Parameters
Method to specify target profiles, as one of
, MATLAB expression
From Scenario Reader block
. Profiles are the physical and
radar characteristics of targets in the scenario.
— The block obtains the target profiles from these parameters:Unique target identifiers
Target classification identifiers
Length of target cuboids (m)
Width of target cuboids (m)
Height of target cuboids (m)
Rotational center of target cuboids (m)
Target signatures
MATLAB expression
— The block obtains the target profiles from the MATLAB expression specified by the MATLAB expression for target profiles parameter.From Scenario Reader block
— The block obtains the actor profiles from the scenario specified by a scenario reader block such as Scenario Reader (Automated Driving Toolbox).
MATLAB expression for target profiles — MATLAB expression for target profiles
MATLAB structure | MATLAB structure array | valid MATLAB expression
Specify the MATLAB expression for target profiles, as a MATLAB structure, a MATLAB structure array, or a valid MATLAB expression that produces such a structure or structure array.
If your Scenario Reader block reads data from a drivingScenario
(Automated Driving Toolbox) object, to obtain the actor profiles directly from this
object, set this expression to call the actorProfiles
(Automated Driving Toolbox) function on the object. For example:
The default target profile expression produces a MATLAB structure and has this form:
struct('ClassID',0,'Length',4.7,'Width',1.8,'Height',1.4, ... 'OriginOffset',[-1.35 0 0],'RCSPattern',[10 10;10 10], ... 'RCSAzimuthAngles',[-180 180],'RCSElevationAngles',[-90 90])
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to MATLAB
Unique target identifiers — Scenario-defined target identifier
(default) | positive integer | length-L vector of unique positive integers
Specify the scenario-defined target identifier as a positive integer or
length-L vector of unique positive integers. L
must equal the number of targets input into the Targets (Body
Frame) input port. The vector elements must match
values of the targets. You can specify Unique
target identifiers as []
. In this case, the same
target profile parameters apply to all targets.
Example: [1 2]
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to Parameters
Target classification identifiers — User-defined classification identifier
(default) | integer | length-L vector of integers
Specify the user-defined classification identifier as an integer or
length-L vector of integers. When Unique target
identifiers is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length
with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the targets in Unique target
identifiers. When Unique target identifiers is
empty, []
, you must specify this parameter as a single integer
whose value applies to all targets.
Example: 2
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to Parameters
Length of target cuboids (m) — Length of target cuboids
(default) | positive real scalar | length-L vector of positive values
Specify the length of target cuboids as a positive real scalar or
length-L vector of positive values. When Unique target
identifiers is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length
with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the targets in Unique target
identifiers. When Unique target identifiers is
empty, []
, you must specify this parameter as a positive real
scalar whose value applies to all targets. Units are in meters.
Example: 6.3
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to Parameters
Width of target cuboids (m) — Width of target cuboids
(default) | positive real scalar | length-L vector of positive values
Specify the width of target cuboids as a positive real scalar or
length-L vector of positive values. When Unique target
identifiers is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length
with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the targets in Unique target
identifiers. When Unique target identifiers is
empty, []
, you must specify this parameter as a positive real
scalar whose value applies to all targets. Units are in meters.
Example: 4.7
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to Parameters
Height of heights cuboids (m) — Height of actor cuboids
(default) | positive real scalar | length-L vector of positive values
Specify the height of target cuboids as a positive real scalar or
length-L vector of positive values. When Unique target
identifiers is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length
with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the targets in Unique target
identifiers. When Unique target identifiers is
empty, []
, you must specify this parameter as a positive real
scalar whose value applies to all targets. Units are in meters.
Example: 2.0
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to Parameters
Rotational center of target cuboids (m) — Rotational center of target cuboids
{[-1.35, 0, 0]}
(default) | length-L cell array of real-valued 1-by-3 vectors
Specify the rotational center of target cuboids as a length-L
cell array of real-valued 1-by-3 vectors. Each vector represents the offset of the
rotational center of a target cuboid from the center of the target. The center of
rotation is defined according to the convention detailed in Dimensions
. When Unique target identifiers is a
vector, this parameter is a cell array of vectors with cells in one-to-one
correspondence to the targets in Unique target identifiers. When
Unique target identifiers is empty, []
, you
must specify this parameter as a cell array of one element containing an offset vector
whose values apply to all targets. Units are in meters.
Example: {[-1.35, 0.2, 0.3]}
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to Parameters
Target signatures — Target signatures
cell array
Target signatures, specified as a cell array of rcsSignature
objects, which specify the RCS signature of the target.
To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles
definition parameter to Parameters
Version History
Introduced in R2021bR2023a: Simulink buses do not show in workspace
As of R2023a, the Simulink buses created by this block no longer show in MATLAB workspace.
See Also
| objectDetection
| objectTrack
| rcsSignature
| Scenario Reader (Automated Driving Toolbox) | Tracking Scenario
Reader (Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox)
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