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Barrage jammer

Since R2021a


The barrageJammer object implements a white Gaussian noise jammer.

To obtain the jamming signal:

  1. Define and set up your barrage jammer. See Construction.

  2. Call step to compute the jammer output according to the properties of barrageJammer. The behavior of step is specific to each object in the toolbox.


Starting in R2016b, instead of using the step method to perform the operation defined by the System object™, you can call the object with arguments, as if it were a function. For example, y = step(obj,x) and y = obj(x) perform equivalent operations.


H = barrageJammer creates a barrage jammer System object, H. This object generates a complex white Gaussian noise jamming signal.

H = barrageJammer(Name,Value) creates object, H, with each specified property Name set to the specified Value. You can specify additional name-value pair arguments in any order as (Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN).

H = barrageJammer(E,Name,Value) creates a barrage jammer object, H, with the ERP property set to E and other specified property Names set to the specified Values.



Effective radiated power

Specify the effective radiated power (ERP) (in watts) of the jamming signal as a positive scalar.

Default: 5000


Source of number of samples per frame

Specify whether the number of samples of the jamming signal comes from the SamplesPerFrame property of this object or from an input argument in step. Values of this property are:

'Property'The SamplesPerFrame property of this object specifies the number of samples of the jamming signal.
'Input port'An input argument in each invocation of step specifies the number of samples of the jamming signal.

Default: 'Property'


Number of samples per frame

Specify the number of samples in the output jamming signal as a positive integer. This property applies when you set the SamplesPerFrameSource property to 'Property'.

Default: 100


Source of seed for random number generator

Specify how the object generates random numbers. Values of this property are:

'Auto'The default MATLAB® random number generator produces the random numbers. Use 'Auto' if you are using this object with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ software.
'Property'The object uses its own private random number generator to produce random numbers. The Seed property of this object specifies the seed of the random number generator. Use 'Property' if you want repeatable results and are not using this object with Parallel Computing Toolbox software.

Default: 'Auto'


Seed for random number generator

Specify the seed for the random number generator as a scalar integer between 0 and 232–1. This property applies when you set the SeedSource property to 'Property'.

Default: 0


Common to All System Objects

Allow System object property value changes


collapse all

Create a barrage jammer with an effective radiated power of 1000W. Then plot the magnitude of the jammer output. barrageJammer uses a random number generator. Plots can vary from run-to-run.

jammer = barrageJammer('ERP',1000);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Samples, ylabel Magnitude contains an object of type line.


[1] Ward, J. “Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Airborne Radar Data Systems,” Technical Report 1015, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, December, 1994.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2021a