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Plan path between two states

Since R2021a


    path = plan(planner,startState,goalState) returns a bidirectional rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) path from the start state to the goal state as a navPath object.

    [path,solnInfo] = plan(planner,startState,goalState) also returns the solution information from path planning.



    collapse all

    Use the plannerBiRRT object to plan a path between two states in an environment with obstacles. Visualize the planned path with interpolated states.

    Create a state space.

    ss = stateSpaceSE2;

    Create an occupancyMap-based state validator using the created state space.

    sv = validatorOccupancyMap(ss);

    Create an occupancy map from an example map and set map resolution as 10 cells per meter.

    load exampleMaps
    map = occupancyMap(ternaryMap,10);

    Assign the occupancy map to the state validator object. Specify the sampling distance interval.

    sv.Map = map;
    sv.ValidationDistance = 0.01;

    Update the state space bounds to be the same as the map limits.

    ss.StateBounds = [map.XWorldLimits; map.YWorldLimits; [-pi pi]];

    Create the path planner and increase the maximum connection distance.

    planner = plannerBiRRT(ss,sv);
    planner.MaxConnectionDistance = 0.3;

    Specify the start and goal states.

    start = [20 10 0];
    goal = [40 40 0];

    Plan a path. Due to the randomness of the RRT algorithm, set the rng seed for repeatability.

    [pthObj,solnInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);

    Display the number of iterations taken for the tree to converge.

    fprintf("Number of iterations: %d\n",solnInfo.NumIterations)
    Number of iterations: 346

    Visualize the results.

    hold on
    % Plot start pose and goal pose
    plot(start(1), start(2),plannerLineSpec.start{:});
    plot(goal(1), goal(2), plannerLineSpec.goal{:});
    % Start tree expansion
    plot(solnInfo.StartTreeData(:,1),solnInfo.StartTreeData(:,2), ...
    % Goal tree expansion
    plot(solnInfo.GoalTreeData(:,1),solnInfo.GoalTreeData(:,2), ...
    % Draw path
    hold off

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Occupancy Grid, xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains 6 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Start, Goal, Tree, Goal Tree, Path.

    Replan the path with the EnableConnectHeuristic property set to true.

    planner.EnableConnectHeuristic = true;
    [pthObj,solnInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);

    Display the number of iterations taken for the tree to converge. Observe that the planner requires significantly fewer iterations compared to when the EnableConnectHeuristic property is set to false.

    fprintf("Number of iterations: %d\n",solnInfo.NumIterations)
    Number of iterations: 192

    Visualize the results.

    hold on
    % Start tree expansion
    % Plot start pose and goal pose
    plot(start(1), start(2),plannerLineSpec.start{:});
    plot(goal(1), goal(2), plannerLineSpec.goal{:});
    plot(solnInfo.StartTreeData(:,1),solnInfo.StartTreeData(:,2), ...
    % Goal tree expansion
    plot(solnInfo.GoalTreeData(:,1),solnInfo.GoalTreeData(:,2), ...
    % Draw path
    hold off

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Occupancy Grid, xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains 6 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Start, Goal, Tree, Goal Tree, Path.

    Load a 3-D occupancy map of a city block into the workspace. Specify the threshold to consider cells as obstacle-free.

    mapData = load("dMapCityBlock.mat");
    omap = mapData.omap;
    omap.FreeThreshold = 0.5;

    Inflate the occupancy map to add a buffer zone for safe operation around the obstacles.


    Create an SE(3) state space object with bounds for state variables.

    ss = stateSpaceSE3([0 220;0 220;0 100;inf inf;inf inf;inf inf;inf inf]);

    Create a 3-D occupancy map state validator using the created state space. Assign the occupancy map to the state validator object. Specify the sampling distance interval.

    sv = validatorOccupancyMap3D(ss, ...
         Map = omap, ...
         ValidationDistance = 0.1);

    Create a bidirectional RRT path planner with increased maximum connection distance and reduced maximum number of iterations. Set EnableConnectHeuristic property to true.

    planner = plannerBiRRT(ss,sv, ...
              MaxConnectionDistance = 50, ...
              MaxIterations = 1000, ...
              EnableConnectHeuristic = true);

    Specify start and goal poses.

    start = [40 180 25 0.7 0.2 0 0.1];
    goal = [150 33 35 0.3 0 0.1 0.6];

    Configure the random number generator for repeatable result.


    Plan the path.

    [pthObj,solnInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);

    Visualize the planned path.

    axis equal
    view([-10 55])
    hold on
    % Start state
    % Start tree expansion
    plot3(solnInfo.StartTreeData(:,1),solnInfo.StartTreeData(:,2), ...
    % Goal state
    % Goal tree expansion
    plot3(solnInfo.GoalTreeData(:,1),solnInfo.GoalTreeData(:,2), ...
    % Path
    plot3(pthObj.States(:,1),pthObj.States(:,2),pthObj.States(:,3), ...

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Occupancy Map, xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains 6 objects of type patch, scatter, line.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Path planner, specified as a plannerBiRRT object.

    Start state of the path, specified as an N-element real-valued vector. N is the number of dimensions in the state space.

    Example: [1 1 pi/6]

    Example: [40 180 25 0.7 0.2 0 0.1]

    Data Types: single | double

    Goal state of the path, specified as an N-element real-valued vector. N is the number of dimensions in the state space.

    Example: [2 2 pi/3]

    Example: [150 33 35 0.3 0 0.1 0.6]

    Data Types: single | double

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Planned path information, returned as a navPath object.

    Solution Information, returned as a structure. The structure contains these fields:

    IsPathFoundIndicates whether a path is found. It returns 1 (true) if a path is found. Otherwise, it returns 0 (false).

    Indicates the termination cause of the planner, returned as:

    • 1 — The planner reaches the goal.

    • 2 — The planner reaches the maximum number of iterations.

    • 3 — The planner reaches the maximum number of nodes.

    StartTreeNumNodesNumber of nodes in the start search tree when the planner terminates, excluding the root node.
    GoalTreeNumNodesNumber of nodes in the goal search tree when the planner terminates, excluding the root node.
    NumIterationsNumber of combined iterations by both the start tree and goal tree.
    StartTreeDataCollection of explored states that reflect the status of the start search tree when the planner terminates. Note that NaN values are inserted as delimiters to separate each individual edge.
    GoalTreeDataCollection of explored states that reflect the status of the goal search tree when the planner terminates. Note that NaN values are inserted as delimiters to separate each individual edge.

    Data Types: structure

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

    See Also

