Evaluate MATLAB functions from C++ program
The matlab::engine::MATLABEngine
class uses a MATLAB® process as a computational engine for C++. This class provides an interface
between the C++ language and MATLAB, enabling you to evaluate MATLAB functions and expressions from C++ programs.
Class Details
Namespace: | matlab::engine |
Include: | MatlabEngine.hpp |
Member Functions
std::vector<matlab::data::Array> feval(const matlab::engine::String &function, const size_t numReturned, const std::vector<matlab::data::Array> &args, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>(), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>())
matlab::data::Array feval(const matlab::engine::String &function, const std::vector<matlab::data::Array> &args, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>(), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>())
matlab::data::Array feval(const matlab::engine::String &function, const matlab::data::Array &arg, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>(), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>())
ResultType feval(const matlab::engine::String &function, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error, RhsArgs&&... rhsArgs )
ResultType feval(const matlab::engine::String &function, RhsArgs&&... rhsArgs)
Evaluate MATLAB functions with input arguments synchronously. Use
to pass arguments from C++ to MATLAB and to return a result from MATLAB to C++.
Inputs and outputs can be types defined by the MATLAB Data Array API or can be native C++ types.
| Name of the MATLAB function or script to evaluate. Specify the name as an
| Number of returned values |
| Multiple input arguments to pass to the MATLAB function in an |
| Single input argument to pass to the MATLAB function. |
| Stream buffer used to store the standard output from the MATLAB function. |
| Stream buffer used to store the error message from the MATLAB function. |
| Native C++ data types:
(since R2024a) | |
(since R2024a) |
| Outputs returned from MATLAB function. |
| Single output returned from MATLAB function. |
| Output returned from MATLAB function as a user-specified type. Can be an
| The MATLAB session is not available. |
| There is a MATLAB run-time error in the function. |
| The result of a MATLAB function cannot be converted to the specified type. |
| There is a syntax error in the MATLAB function. |
This example passes an array of numeric values to a MATLAB function. The code performs these steps:
Creates a
with the dimensions 2-by-3 from a vector of numeric values of type double.Starts a shared MATLAB session.
Passes the data array to the MATLAB
function and returns the result to C++.
#include "MatlabDataArray.hpp" #include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::vector<double> cppData{ 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 }; // Create a 2-by-3 matlab data array matlab::data::ArrayFactory factory; auto inputArray = factory.createArray({ 2, 3 }, cppData.cbegin(), cppData.cend()); // Start MATLAB engine std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); // Pass data array to MATLAB sqrt function // And return results. auto result = matlabPtr->feval(u"sqrt", inputArray);
When calling feval
using native C++ types, the input arguments
are restricted to scalar values. For example, this code returns the square root of a
scalar value.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
// Start MATLAB engine synchronously std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); // Call sqrt function double result = matlabPtr->feval<double>(u"sqrt", double(27));
For functions that return multiple output arguments, you can use the MATLAB data API or, if using C++ types, an std::tuple
. For
an example, see Call Function with Native C++ Types.
FutureResult<std::vector<matlab::data::Array>> fevalAsync(const matlab::engine::String &function, const size_t numReturned, const std::vector<matlab::data::Array> &args, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>(), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>())
FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> fevalAsync(const matlab::engine::String &function, const std::vector<matlab::data::Array> &args, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>(), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>())
FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> fevalAsync(const matlab::engine::String &function, const matlab::data::Array &arg, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> & output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>(), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> & error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer>())
FutureResult<ResultType> fevalAsync(const matlab::engine::String &function, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error, RhsArgs&&... rhsArgs)
FutureResult<ResultType> fevalAsync(const matlab::engine::String &function, RhsArgs&&... rhsArgs)
Evaluate MATLAB functions with input arguments and returned values asynchronously.
| Name of the MATLAB function or script to evaluate. Specify the name as an
| Number of returned values |
| Multiple input arguments to pass to the MATLAB function in an |
| Single input argument to pass to the MATLAB function. |
| Stream buffer used to store the standard output from the MATLAB function. |
| Stream buffer used to store the error message from the MATLAB function. |
| Native C++ data types:
(since R2024a) | |
(since R2024a) |
| A |
This example passes the scalar double 12.7 to the MATLAB
function asynchronously. The
is then used to get the result.
#include "MatlabDataArray.hpp" #include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlab::data::ArrayFactory factory; matlab::data::Array argument = factory.createScalar<double>(12.7); FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> future = matlabPtr->fevalAsync(u"sqrt", std::move(argument)); ... matlab::data::TypedArray<double> result = future.get();
void eval(const matlab::engine::String &statement, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> (), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> ())
Evaluate a MATLAB statement as a string synchronously.
| MATLAB statement to evaluate |
| Stream buffer used to store the standard output from the MATLAB statement. |
| Stream buffer used to store the error message from the MATLAB command. |
| The MATLAB session is not available. |
| There is a run-time error in the MATLAB statement. |
| There is a syntax error in the MATLAB statement. |
This example evaluates the following MATLAB statement.
a = sqrt(12.7);
The statement creates the variable a
in the MATLAB base workspace.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlabPtr->eval(u"a = sqrt(12.7);");
FutureResult<void> evalAsync(const matlab::engine::String &str, const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &output = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> (), const std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> &error = std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::StreamBuffer> ())
Evaluate a MATLAB statement as a string asynchronously.
| MATLAB statement to evaluate |
| Stream buffer used to store the standard output from the MATLAB statement. |
| Stream buffer used to store the error message from the MATLAB command. |
| A |
This example evaluates the following MATLAB statement asynchronously.
a = sqrt(12.7);
The statement creates the variable a
in the MATLAB base workspace.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); FutureResult<void> future = matlabPtr->evalAsync(u"a = sqrt(12.7);");
matlab::data::Array getVariable(const matlab::engine::String &varName, matlab::engine::WorkspaceType workspaceType = matlab::engine::WorkspaceType::BASE)
Get a variable from the MATLAB base or global workspace.
| Name of a variable in the MATLAB workspace. Specify the name as an
| MATLAB workspace (BASE or GLOBAL) to get the variable from. For
more information, see |
| Variable obtained from the MATLAB base or global workspace |
| The MATLAB session is not available. |
| The requested variable does not exist in the specified MATLAB base or global workspace. |
This example gets a variable named varName
from the MATLAB base workspace.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlab::data::Array varName = matlabPtr->getVariable(u"varName");
FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> getVariableAsync(const matlab::engine::String &varName, matlab::engine::WorkspaceType workspaceType = matlab::engine::WorkspaceType::BASE)
Get a variable from the MATLAB base or global workspace asynchronously.
| Name of the variable in MATLAB workspace. Specify the name as an
| MATLAB workspace (BASE or GLOBAL) to get the variable from. For
more information, see |
| A |
This example gets a variable named varName
from the MATLAB base workspace asynchronously.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> future = matlabPtr->getVariableAsync(u"varName"); ... matlab::data::Array varName = future.get();
void setVariable(const matlab::engine::String &varName, const matlab::data::Array &var, matlab::engine::WorkspaceType workspaceType = matlab::engine::WorkspaceType::BASE)
Put a variable into the MATLAB base or global workspace. If a variable with the same name exists in
the MATLAB workspace, setVariable
overwrites it.
| Name of the variable to create in the MATLAB workspace. Specify the name as an
| Value of the variable to create in the MATLAB workspace |
| Put the variable in the MATLAB BASE or GLOBAL workspace. For more information, see
| The MATLAB session is not available. |
This example puts the variable named data
in the MATLAB base workspace.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlab::data::Array data = factory.createArray<double>({ 1, 3 }, { 4, 8, 6 }); matlabPtr->setVariable(u"data", data);
FutureResult<void> setVariableAsync(const matlab::engine::String &varName, const matlab::data::Array var, matlab::engine::WorkspaceType workspaceType = matlab::engine::WorkspaceType::BASE)
Put a variable into the MATLAB base or global workspace asynchronously. If a variable with the same
name exists in the MATLAB base workspace, setVariableAsync
| Name of the variable to create in the MATLAB workspace. Specify the name as an
| Value of the variable to create in the MATLAB workspace |
| Put the variable in the MATLAB BASE or GLOBAL workspace. For more information, see
This example puts the variable named data
in the MATLAB base workspace.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlab::data::Array data = factory.createArray<double>({ 1, 3 }, { 4., 8., 6. }); FutureResult<void> future = matlabPtr->setVariableAsync(u"data", data);
matlab::data::Array getProperty(const matlab::data::Array &objectArray, size_t index, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName)
matlab::data::Array getProperty(const matlab::data::Array &object, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName)
Get the value of an object property. If the object input argument is an array of objects, specify the index of the array element that corresponds to the object whose property value you want to get.
| Array of MATLAB objects |
| Scalar MATLAB object |
| Zero-based index into the object array, specifying the object in that array whose property value is returned |
| Name of the property. Specify the name as an
| Value of the named property |
| The MATLAB session is not available. |
| The property does not exist. |
This example evaluates a MATLAB statement in a try/catch block using
. The
member function returns the exception
object. MATLABEngine::getProperty
returns the exception
property value as a
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlabPtr->eval(u"try; surf(4); catch me; end"); matlab::data::Array mException = matlabPtr->getVariable(u"me"); matlab::data::CharArray message = matlabPtr->getProperty(mException, u"message"); std::cout << "messages is: " << message.toAscii() << std::endl;
FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> getPropertyAsync(const matlab::data::Array &objectArray, size_t index, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName)
FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> getPropertyAsync(const matlab::data::Array &object, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName)
Get the value of an object property asynchronously. If the object input argument is an array of objects, specify the index of the array element that corresponds to the object whose property value you want to get.
| Array of MATLAB objects |
| Scalar MATLAB object |
| Zero-based index into the object array, specifying the object in that array whose property value is returned |
| Name of the property. Specify the name as an
This example evaluates a MATLAB statement in a try/catch block using
. The
member function returns the exception
object. MATLABEngine::getPropertyAsync
returns a
that you use to get the exception
property value as a
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlabPtr->eval(u"try;surf(4);catch me;end"); matlab::data::Array mException = matlabPtr->getVariable(u"me"); FutureResult<matlab::data::Array> future = matlabPtr->getPropertyAsync(mException, u"message"); matlab::data::CharArray message = future.get(); std::cout << "messages is: " << message.toAscii() << std::endl;
void setProperty(matlab::data::Array &objectArray, size_t index, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName, const matlab::data::Array &propertyValue)
void setProperty(matlab::data::Array &object, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName, const matlab::data::Array &propertyValue)
Set the value of an object property. If the object input argument is an array of objects, specify the index of the array element that corresponds to the object whose property value you want to set.
| Array of MATLAB objects |
| Scalar MATLAB object |
| Zero-based index into the object array, specifying the object in that array whose property value is set |
| Name of the property to set. Specify the name as an
const matlab::data::Array
&propertyValue | Value assigned to the property |
| The MATLAB session is not available. |
| The property does not exist. |
This example shows how to set a MATLAB object property. It creates a MATLAB graph and returns the line handle object. Setting the value of the line
property to the character :
changes the property value of the line object in MATLAB and updates the line style of the graph.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlab::data::ArrayFactory factory; matlab::data::Array yData = factory.createArray<double>({ 1, 5 }, { 4.0, 11.0, 4.7, 36.2, 72.3 }); matlab::data::Array lineHandle = matlabPtr->feval(u"plot", yData); matlab::data::CharArray lineStyle = factory.createCharArray(":"); matlabPtr->setProperty(lineHandle, u"LineStyle", lineStyle);
FutureResult<void> setPropertyAsync(matlab::data::Array &objectArray, size_t index, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName, const matlab::data::Array &propertyValue)
FutureResult<void> setPropertyAsync(matlab::data::Array &object, const matlab::engine::String &propertyName, const matlab::data::Array &propertyValue)
Set the value of an object property asynchronously. If the object input argument is an array of objects, specify the index of the array element that corresponds to the object whose property value you want to set.
| Array of MATLAB objects |
| Scalar MATLAB object |
| Zero-based index into the object array, specifying the object in that array whose property value is set |
| Name of the property to set. Specify the name as an
const matlab::data::Array
&propertyValue | Value assigned to the property. |
This example shows how to set a MATLAB object property asynchronously. It creates a MATLAB graph and returns the line handle object. Setting the line
property to the character :
changes the property value of the object in MATLAB and updates the line style of the graph.
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp" using namespace matlab::engine;
std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB(); matlab::data::ArrayFactory factory; matlab::data::Array yData = factory.createArray<double>({ 1, 5 }, { 4.0, 11.0, 4.7, 36.2, 72.3 }); matlab::data::Array lineHandle = matlabPtr->feval(u"plot", yData); matlab::data::CharArray lineStyle = factory.createCharArray(":"); FutureResult<void> future = matlabPtr->setPropertyAsync(lineHandle, u"LineStyle", lineStyle);