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Class: hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign
Namespace: hdlcoder

Add AXI4-Stream Video interface

Since R2020a


addAXI4StreamVideoInterface('MasterChannelConnection',Master_Channel_Port,'SlaveChannelConnection',Slave_Channel_Port), Name,Value


addAXI4StreamVideoInterface('MasterChannelConnection',Master_Channel_Port,'SlaveChannelConnection',Slave_Channel_Port) adds an AXI4-Stream Video interface to an hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign object.

addAXI4StreamVideoInterface('MasterChannelConnection',Master_Channel_Port,'SlaveChannelConnection',Slave_Channel_Port), Name,Value adds and defines an AXI4-Stream Video interface, with additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pair arguments.

Input Arguments

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Reference design port connected to the IP core AXI4-Stream Video master interface, specified as a character vector. This port should be an AXI4-Stream Video slave interface. If master_channel_enable is true, you must specify master_channel_port.

Example: 'RGBtoYCbCr_0/AXI4_Stream_Video_Slave'

Reference design port connected to the IP core AXI4-Stream Video slave interface, specified as a character vector. This port should be an AXI4-Stream Video master interface. If slave_channel_number is true, you must specify slave_channel_port.

Example: 'YCbCrtoRGB_0/AXI4_Stream_Video_Master'


To add more than one AXI4-Stream Video interface to your reference design, call the addAXI4StreamVideoInterface method multiple times depending on the number of interfaces you want to add. For each additional interface, specify a unique InterfaceID.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Name of the AXI4-Stream Video interface that you add to the reference design, specified as a character vector. To create multiple AXI4-Stream Video interfaces, make sure that you use unique names for each interface.

Example: 'AXI4-Stream Video1','AXI4-Stream Video2'

Master channel enable signal, specified as either true or false. By default, MasterChannelEnable is true, and you must specify master_channel_port. To use a reference design that has only a Slave channel, set MasterChannelEnable to false and do not specify the master_channel_port.

Example: 'false'

Slave channel enable signal, specified as either true or false. By default, SlaveChannelEnable is true, and you must specify slave_channel_port. To use a reference design that has only a Master channel, set SlaveChannelEnable to false and do not specify the slave_channel_port.

Example: 'false'

Reference design master channel TDATA bit width, specified as a positive integer. By default, the master_channel_data_width is 32 bits.

Example: 32

Reference design slave channel TDATA bit width, specified as a positive integer. By default, slave_channel_data_width is 32 bits.

Example: 32

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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