Register a Custom Reference Design
To register a custom reference design:
Define a reference design.
Create a reference design plugin.
Define a reference design registration function, or add the new reference design plugin to an existing reference design registration function.
Define a Reference Design
A reference design definition must be a MATLAB® function that returns an hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign
Create the reference design definition function in the reference design plugin
folder. You can use any name for the
reference design definition function.
To create a reference design definition:
Create a new file that defines a MATLAB function with any name.
In the MATLAB function, create an
object and specify its properties and interfaces according to the characteristics of your embedded system design.If you want to check that the definition is complete, run the
This MATLAB function defines a custom reference design:
function hRD = plugin_rd() % Reference design definition % Construct reference design object hRD = hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign('SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado'); hRD.ReferenceDesignName = 'Demo system'; hRD.BoardName = 'Digilent Zynq ZyBo'; % Tool information % It is recommended to use a tool version that is compatible with the supported tool % version. If you choose a different tool version, it is possible that HDL Coder is % unable to create the reference design project for IP core integration. hRD.SupportedToolVersion = {'2020.2'}; %% Add custom design files % add custom Vivado design hRD.addCustomVivadoDesign( ... 'CustomBlockDesignTcl', 'design_led.tcl'); hRD.CustomFiles = {'ZYBO_zynq_def.xml'}; %% Add interfaces % add clock interface hRD.addClockInterface( ... 'ClockConnection', 'clk_wiz_0/clk_out1', ... 'ResetConnection', 'proc_sys_reset_0/peripheral_aresetn'); % add AXI4 and AXI4-Lite slave interfaces hRD.addAXI4SlaveInterface( ... 'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_interconnect_0/M00_AXI', ... 'BaseAddress', '0x40010000', ... 'MasterAddressSpace', 'processing_system7_0/Data');
By default, HDL Coder™ generates an IP core with the default settings and integrates it into
the reference design project. To customize these default settings, use the
properties in the hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign
object to
define custom parameters and to register the function handle of the custom callback
functions. For more information, see Define Custom Parameters and Callback Functions for Custom Reference Design.
Create a Reference Design Plugin
A reference design plugin is a package folder that you define on the MATLAB path. The folder contains the board definition file and any custom callback functions.
To create a reference design plugin:
In the board plugin folder for the associated board, create a new folder that has a name with a
prefix.For example, the reference design plugin can be a folder named
.In the new folder, save your reference design definition file and any custom callback functions that you create.
In the new folder, save any files that are required by the embedded system design project, and are specific to your third-party synthesis tool, including Tcl, project, and design files.
Add the folder to your MATLAB path.
Define a Reference Design Registration Function
A reference design registration function contains a list of reference design
functions and the associated board name. You must name the function
. When the HDL Workflow
Advisor opens, it searches the MATLAB path for files named
, and uses the information
to populate the reference design options for each board.
To define a reference design registration function:
Create a file named
and save it anywhere on the MATLAB path.In
, define a function that returns the associated board name, specified as a character vector, and a list of reference design plugins, specified as a cell array of character vectors.For example, the following code defines a reference design registration function.
function [rd, boardName] = hdlcoder_ref_design_customization % Reference design plugin registration file rd = {'ZyBoRegistration.Vivado2018_2.plugin_rd', ... }; boardName = 'Digilent Zynq ZyBo'; end
The reference design registration function returns the associated board name, specified as a character vector, and a list of reference design plugins, specified as a cell array of character vectors.
See Also
| hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign
Related Examples
- Register a Custom Board
- Define Custom Parameters and Callback Functions for Custom Reference Design
- Define Custom Board and Reference Design for Zynq Workflow
- Define Custom Board and Reference Design for Intel SoC Workflow