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Get Started with Embedded Coder Support Package for Linux Applications

This example shows how to deploy an application on a Linux target using Embedded Coder® Support Package For Linux® Applications.

You can use Embedded Coder Support Package for Linux Applications to generate code, create an executable program, run and stop the executable program in the target execution environment, and instrument the running application. You can also interact with multiple target computers at the same time.

In this example, you deploy an AUTOSAR Adaptive application on a Linux target and control the life cycle of application.

Deploy Model

This example uses an AUTOSAR Adaptive model, which sends the data of a sine wave.

Open the model.



After you deploy the application, the Linux Runtime Manager app displays it in the Targets Tree pane.


Launch Application on Target

Select the application and click Linux Target > Run On Target > Start Application to launch the application on the target.

The app displays messages to indicate the execution of the initialization function and the data that adaptive_msg_sender sends in the Log Viewer pane.


Stop Application on Target

Stop the application by selecting it and clicking Linux Target > Run On Target > Stop Application. The app displays a message to indicate execution of the termination function in the Log Viewer pane.


See Also

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