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(Not recommended) Add counter output channel

This session object function is not recommended. Use DataAcquisition object functions instead. See Version History.


addCounterOutputChannel(s,deviceID,channelID) adds a counter channel on the device represented by deviceID with the specified channelID, and channel measurement type, represented by measurementType, to the session s. Measurement types are vendor specific.


Use daq.createSession to create a session object before you use this method.


ch = addCounterOutputChannel(s,deviceID,channelID,measurementType) returns the object ch.


[ch,idx] = addCounterOutputChannel(s,deviceID,channelID,measurementType) returns the object ch, representing the channel that was added and the index, idx, which is an index into the array of the session object's Channels property.


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s = daq.createSession('ni');
ch = addCounterOutputChannel(s,'cDAQ1Mod3','ctr0','PulseGeneration');
ch.Terminal  % View device signal name for pin mapping.
s = daq.createSession('ni')
ch = addCounterOutputChannel(s,'cDAQ1Mod3',0:1,'PulseGeneration')

Input Arguments

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Data acquisition session, specified as a session object. Create the session object using daq.createSession. Use the data acquisition session for acquisition and generation operations. Create one session per vendor and use that vendor session to perform all data acquisition operations.

Device ID as defined by the device vendor specified as a character vector. Obtain the device ID by calling daq.getDevices. The channel specified for this device is created for the session object.

Channel ID, specified as a numeric value, character vector, or string, corresponding to the specific counter channel on the device added to the session. Channel ID 0 corresponds to the device counter 'ctr0', Channel ID 1 to 'ctr1', and so on. For the related device signal names and physical pins, see the pinout for your particular device.

You can add a range of channels by specifying the channel ID with a numeric array, or an array of character vectors or strings.

The index for a channel displayed in the session indicates the channel’s position in the session. The first channel you add in a session has session index 1, and so on.

Data Types: char | string | cell

Channel measurement type, specified as a character vector or string. measurementType represents a vendor-defined measurement type. A valid output measurement type is 'PulseGeneration'.

Output Arguments

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Counter output channel that you add, returned as an object containing a 1-by-n array of vendor specific channel information.

Channel index returned as a numeric value. Through the index you can access the array of the session object Channels property.

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

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R2020a: session object interface is not recommended

Use of this function with a session object is not recommended. To access a data acquisition device, use a DataAcquisition object with its functions and properties instead.

For more information about using the recommended functionality, see Transition Your Code from Session to DataAcquisition Interface.