Automated Driving

3. Exporting Scenes to Simulators

You can export RoadRunner scene geometry and semantic segmentation data to ASAM OpenDrive® or simulators such as CARLA. This module describes the various export options and preview tools available in RoadRunner.

Video length is 3:41


  • Use various export options, including geometric and semantic scene information.
  • Preview an OpenDRIVE Export using the OpenDRIVE Export Preview Tool.
  • Preview geometric meshes in the scene when exporting with the Scene Export Preview Tool.
  • Import assets and scenes into RoadRunner and modify them.


Export scenes to the OpenDRIVE format and preview them using the OpenDRIVE Export Preview Tool.


Learn how to design 3D road scenes for testing automated driving systems through the interactive course, Designing 3D Scenes with RoadRunner.