Compare the rows of an array with another one's array
Lia = ismember(A,B,'rows')

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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Values generated by the loop Seem Wrong
I believe you are mistakenly updating VFull in each iteration. h1 = 14.05; %h1 should be replaced with h1New after...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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Attempting to Plot Multiple Answers from a Loop
I believe you missed to track the V inside your loops. Also, please lookup the documentation for plot() for a better manipulatio...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

Iterate to filter signal in a parfor
The error is caused by the way global digital filter objects are handled by filter() in parfor loop. function [outputData] = lo...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0


Gauss-Jordan-Reduction or Reduced-Row-Echelon
Matrix Operation - Reduced Row Echelon Form aka Gauss Jordan Elimination Form

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 2 downloads |

How can I create one vector x to have this function correct? x has to be the column vector k- 'th of A, from its diagonal to the end
k has size nr x (nc-1). you are trying to assign x = k(2:nr,nc) which means the nc-th column of k. but k doesn't have nc-th colu...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

Marking a specific point on a PDF graph
gradeIn = str2num(answer{2}); [p,x] = hist(retrieved_class); p = p/sum(p); figure;plot(x,p) hold on; plot(x(x==gradeIn),p(...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

Fourier Graphs of my lowpass and high pass filtered signals are looking weird
Last update: Running your Lowpass code: %LPF 30Hz y_LPF_30 = lowpass(y,30,Fs); yf_LPF_30 = fft(y_LPF_30); % 30Hz %set up ...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 1

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How to iterate over parfor
I am not sure how much this would help, as I couldn't reproduce your error. Please let me know how it goes. input_signal = zero...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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How can I make my high pass filter more accurate?
If my cutoff frequency is 270 Hz, why do I get still frequencies below 270? Unless it's an ideal highpass filter, most filter i...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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Creating a variable number of prompts.
prompt = {'Enter Your Name.', 'Number of Tests Taken. '}; dlgtitle = 'Name & Tests Taken'; dims = [1 50]; definput = {'Name...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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Problem in fitting a curve
The problem is in your choise of equation. y is always calculated as zero. I think its because of the exponential component: e...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

Please help with revised question

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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Can I run a matlab file with symbolic functions from the command line?
syms x_1; syms x_2; syms x_3; syms x_4; syms x_5; syms x_6; Hope this helps!

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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How to create 2D sub arrays by sampling every n by n points
B = reshape(A,35,35,[]);

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 1

how to perform two dimensional deconvolution in matlab?
deconv() is defined only for vectors, not for matrices. this might be helpful for matrices and images: https://stackoverflow.c...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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Need help solving first order DiffyQ analytically with matrix
If I understood it right, your x and y are supposed to be 2x1 vectors. gamma=0.5; H=[(gamma*i) -1;-1 -i*gamma]; % G=(2:2); % ...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

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Image labeler Train cascade error!
Could the error be that I'm using pixel label instead of line or rectangle label? Yes, sorry! Update: [imds,pxds] = pixelLab...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

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Can you check my error code?
x = linspace (-2,4,101); span = [0 1 2]; for i = -1: 2 h1 = plot (x (x> (span (1) + i * 2) & x <(span (2) + i * 2)), ... ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

Gauss-Jordan Elimination
I didn't use the (sub-)functions, but tried to sketch out the algorithm following your logic in this file: https://www.mathwork...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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How to solve an equation with an array of constant parameters?
syms x e >> eqns = x*log2(x)==e eqns = (x*log(x))/log(2) == e >> S= solve(eqns,x) S = (e*log(2))/lambertw(0...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

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Giving error in confusion plot
ConfusionMat2 = confusionchart(table2array(Y),isLabels2);

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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Error using plot, vectors must be the same lengths?
Plot() doesn't allow the syntax plot(y1,y2,y3). If t, y, dfx, and ddfx are ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

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Keep Getting This Error when plotting historgram and plot
Use yyaxis left before plotting the histogram. If you can share the data and the parameter values, I could try to debug.

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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Storing for loop output that is a matrix 1 x 6387 each iteration in one matrix
I am assuming that you meant your xx2 has size 1x6387, and you want xs to be of size 1x12774 after two iteration. n1 = 50; % Nu...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

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90 degree phase shift
Updated answer: The problem is with the way "Outport" and "Configuration" blocks are used here. For example, change the Output ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 1, tol = 1.324612e-01.
x = A\B solves the system of linear equations A*x = B. The matrices A and B must have the same number of rows. MATLABĀ® displays ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

the average of multiple Probability density functions
The idea of "average" is ill-defined for pdfs. In your case, all the 1000 distridutions are generalized paretos. Your theta is...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

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for loop for monte carlo code
This code moves one particle (randomly picked from 5) to either left or right available space. If no space available, it remains...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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Help with loop script
If you can share x, I could test it properly. Otherwise, I think you just need 'hold on': xMatrix=reshape(x,L,TS/L); %Filterin...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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