Problems using NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 for Deep Learning
Even if you don't like it, the best and probably most up-to-date answer to this question is:

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Show every step of lsqnonlin won't work
I think you look for something like this: phi1=1:((2*pi/10.71)):2*pi; r = -0.5 + (0.5 + 0.5) * rand(1,10); xrand ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

4-D uint8 , what does it mean?
There is a 2D for height and width of the video, which shows the resolution, the 3rd D is for example is of size 3 for RGB or of...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Solve nonlinear equation using ODE45 function with different initial conditions
Corrected: %% Main Script L = 1; g = 9.81; h = 0.25; t = [0 5]; A = [0 1;(g/L) 0]; B =[0 1]'; Ics = [pi,0;pi/2 0;pi/5 ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

How can i write a Objective function in vectorized form for GA optimization toolbox when the Objective function has many varialbess?
str1 = ("x(:," + (1:100) + ") .*"); str2 = ("x(:," + (101:200) + ") .*"); str3 = ("x(:," + (201:300) + ") +"); str = vertcat(...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Error using optimoptions (Reference to non-existent field 'TolFunValue')
For *|optimoptoptions|* the correct option is *|FunctionTolerance|*. The usage of *|TolFunValue|* is the equivalent option when ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Alternative to the function "findpeaks for the Version R2012b
Check FEX:

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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curly brackets system of equations via LaTeX
figure title({'$sin(x-y)-xy+1=0$','$x^2-y^2=0.75$'}, 'Interpreter','LaTex')

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

Global optimization: transfer variables to non-linear constraints
nonlcon = @(x)unitdiscc(x,a,b,c,d...)

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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Convert single data to double
You might want to use < *|squeeze|*> and <

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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Help With plotting 3D Graph
Use: t=t.'; then call Result = psi(t) Also make sure that t is length needed --> here 2000

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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Importing Engine Map Variables
T = readtable('C:\YOUR_PATH_NAME_HERE\Veri-MATLAB.xlsx') RPM = T{2:end,1} Power = T{1,2:end} Data = T{2:end,2:end} subpl...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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differentiation in matlab of two functions
syms a(theta) p q A eq1 = a(theta)==exp(2*pi*1i*A*[cos(theta);sin(theta)]) eq2 = theta==atan(p/q)+pi Deq1 = diff(eq1,thet...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Fimplicit not plotting properly
fun1=@(x,y) a.*x.^2+2*h.*x.*y+b*y.^2+2*g.*x+2*f.*y+c; a=2; h=0; b=0; g=3/2; f=1/2; c=7; fimplicit(fun1,[-3 2 -12 -5])

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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How to rotate a video 180 degrees?
vidName = 'xylophone.mp4'; vidPath = strcat(videosPathToBeEdited, vidName); V = VideoReader(vidName); % read the complete ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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How to loop function for a 2 column matrix
You do not need a loop - the distance function is vectorized and accepts vector-inputs. You simply need to use indexing to get w...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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differential evalution code Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
@(x)sum((minus((x(1)),V).*sin(2.*pi.*x(2).*t+x(3)).^2))/n % ^ % | % ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Hi there, can anyone help me create a function which calculates the least amount of notes and coins needed for any amount entered in ATM please ?
You can treat it as an optimization problem - since intlinprog is used you can be sure to find optimal solutions: Amount = inpu...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

converting from integer time to datetime in 3-hourly data
Heres an approach: I believe the idea behind this: is that the integer values start counting by 1979-12-01 00:00 --> 0 19...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Stop Sign Detection Using Thresholding
There is a detailled example of a - you wont believe it - Stop Sign detector in the documentation here:

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

problem with plotting a 1D graph
You dont save the results of find anywhere - try: % plot of time : U(5,6,t) t=linspace(0,2,0.15); for i=1:np % np number o...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Fmincon Errors with objective function definition
Try: x0 = [0 0]; LB = [-5 -5]; UB = [7 7]; ii = 1; for jj = 0:0.01:1 xopt(ii,:) = fmincon(@funhw2q1, x0, [], [], [],...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 2

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Particle size measurement from SEM image
You can use the imfindcircles function (example here) which gives back the radii of detetcted circles in combination with houghl...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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System of differential equations with many input arguments.
Try: % l stands for \tau, u for \Theta, v for a, o for b (from utility) and j for ΞΎ syms S(t) P(t) c(t) h(t) z(t) A b d e g k ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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How can I solve an equation with more than one variable?
You can solve for all cases in one calculation and save teh result as a matrix by using a function handle: G=44*10^3; b=2.95e-...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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median line in the histogram of the image
A = randn(100,1) histogram(A) xline(median(A),'-r','LineWidth',2)

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Index exeeded error for ode45 function
This is an ode of order 4 - so odeToVectorField will reformulate it to a system of 4 ode with order 1: >> pretty(V) / ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Help with creating a certain 16x16 Matrix
Hint: read about the function zeros and ones and also about array indexing.

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Merge different excel files into one big matrix with a loop
Here is how to start with this: If the fil...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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