
Reference Index Number
Given a reference set R of elements (each unique but identical in type), and a list V of elements drawn from the set R, possibly...

bijna 7 jaar ago


Oh Zero Zero Zero!!!
Hello all, So you have to find the largest section of zeros in a vector and then find the length of those zeros and there start...

bijna 7 jaar ago


Find last zero for each column
Given a numeric array of arbitrary size, return the row index of the last zero for each column. If a column contains all nonzero...

bijna 7 jaar ago


Persistent Data for Lookup Tables in Simulink
How to speed up Simulink models that use large lookup tables.

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1 download |

5.0 / 5


Bessel Zero Solver
Finds the zeros of besselj and bessely in an ordered fashion. No zeros are missed.

bijna 7 jaar ago | 36 downloads |

5.0 / 5


Bug Tracker for Simulation Models
I am looking at tracking bugs in simulation models and m code. Is there a bug tracker that you would recommend for use with MATL...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



How can we generate code from simulink model by command line in windows?
See the simulink documentation. Specifically, < Functi...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

intersection mesh plot (3D)
Without more information, I can only provide hints. Here you go: * If the two surfaces can be thought of as mathematical func...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1

| accepted

Assign variable to Initialization/Current Workspace
Yeah, don't do this. It will cause you pain. The Simulink tools that track where your variables come form cannot track where you...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

What are your thoughts on Simulink libraries that link to themselves?
I don't like this behavior. I think it is troublesome and easy to break. I am a blockset author and I don't see how this is good...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Persistence in Lookup Table Data
I found a solution. I posted it to the File Exchange as linked below. The solution is to use |UserData| of a block to store the ...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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Persistence in Lookup Table Data
I load several large multi-dimensional lookup tables in the initialization of a subsystem that has lookup table blocks. The look...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0




Persistent Example - Loading Data Only When Needed
Working with persistent variables.

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1 download |

0.0 / 5

Sundials Solver in MATLAB/Simulink
Support for Sundials is limited in SimBiology. There is no hint that this will be more broadly available anytime soon. Hint a...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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Managing High Levels of Variation in a Simulink Library
I am a blockset author similar the authors of "Aerospace Blockset" and "Powertrain Blockset." I build mathematical models of hyd...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



Managing High Levels of Variation in a Simulink Library
Mathworks responded to my question. Here is the response. |__________________| Answer to question 1: Don't use the conf...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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Why does the initialization function in a Simulink subsystem block use an integer rather than the corresponding text string?
There is an example Simulink file attached. I created a parameter on the "Parameter & Dialog" tab called |Parameter1|. |Paramete...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0



Why does the initialization function in a Simulink subsystem block use an integer rather than the corresponding text string?
To use the text string coming from the popup options, turn off the "evaluate" checkbox as shown below. This allows comparison of...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1

| accepted


Assign variable to Initialization/Current Workspace
In the mask of a simulink block, I need to loop over a list of variables and values assign them into the initialization workspac...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



Why does the Simulink block mask initialization run twice?
The initialization runs twice if "Icons & Ports"-->"Run initialization" is set to "On" or "Analyze" (assuming MATLAB detects the...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Using Deval with Simulink Output
No, there is not an obvious way to use Deval with Simulink output. However, you can use "Configuration Parameters"-->"Data Impor...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

| accepted


What are your thoughts on Simulink libraries that link to themselves?
What are your thoughts on Simulink libraries that link to themselves? They seems to break quite often as you are developing them...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0




Is there a clever way to isolate Simulink Parameter callback workspace?
The |run| command runs a script in the |caller| workspace. That got me thinking that there might be a clever way to run code in ...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



How do I compare a Simulink Disabled Library Block Against the Library?
One workaround is to put the blocks that you want to compare in there own models and save them as model1 and model2. Then you ca...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0


Why does the Simulink block mask initialization run twice?
If you are debugging a mask initialization, use the |keyboard| function to stop the code inside the Simulink block mask initiali...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0




How do I compare a Simulink Disabled Library Block Against the Library?
# I made a library block. # I made a model that used that library block and I "disabled" the library link. # I want to compa...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 2 answers | 2




Number of Even Elements in Fibonacci Sequence
Find how many even Fibonacci numbers are available in the first d numbers. Consider the following first 14 numbers 1 1 2...

meer dan 7 jaar ago


The 5th Root
Write a function to find the 5th root of a number. It sounds easy, but the typical functions are not allowed (see the test su...

meer dan 7 jaar ago


Find the biggest empty box
You are given a matrix that contains only ones and zeros. Think of the ones as columns in an otherwise empty floor plan. You wan...

meer dan 7 jaar ago


What number has this problem?
This problem is added because it is problem number *???* in the "Community" problems section. <

bijna 8 jaar ago

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