How to detect a circle and then lines in the circle? (Reading time off clock image)
I'm going to do this in a particular way because I want to, not because it's robust or univerally appropriate. Let's start by...

3 maanden ago | 0

How do I fuse a JPEG image and a PNG with transparency.
Here's something simple for dealing with the arbitrary overlap. % inputs [FG,~,FGa] = imread('cancellation.png'); BG = imread...

3 maanden ago | 0

how to generate correct logical mask of the size of shape file?
I don't have everything to run your example, but the last lines are a problem at the least.a Use numel() to return the total n...

3 maanden ago | 0

recover color on image
I guess if I'm going to bump threads by fixing the formatting, I could at least try to answer them. This collection of threads ...

3 maanden ago | 0

Unsharp mask amplification - limiting local contrast
I'm not sure I know what the goals are here, but I'll go. Instead of increasing global contrast, try a piecewise approach. % c...

3 maanden ago | 0

how to extract connected components with similar height
There are some problems here. % the input image inpict = imread('fruittext.png'); inpict = im2gray(inpict); mask = imbinariz...

3 maanden ago | 0

Difference between jpg files from Matlab and ImageMagick
I'm not familiar with whatever differences might be in the encoders, but there's one obvious thing that should be pointed out. ...

3 maanden ago | 0

matlab code for face detection using RGB space color && skin color
Good gravy. This is what that section does. % using bwlabel is unnecessary unless you actually want to % explicitly use 4-...

3 maanden ago | 0

I want to convert an image to dimension MxNx3 from MxNx4.
If you have a TIFF file, from which imread() returns a 4-channel image, then it's ostensibly a CMYK image. If the image is le...

3 maanden ago | 1

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No difference between font size units 'pixels' and 'points'
I'm not sure how it's doing the scaling internally, but my guess would start here: % units per em sz = 16; % units per inc...

3 maanden ago | 1

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Perform Google Search in Matlab
Here's a basic example. I'm pretty sure there are other ways of doing this, but the docs are a confusing maze. Last I checked,...

3 maanden ago | 0

Est-ce que possible de transformer image niveau de gris en image RGB? Si oui pouvez-vous me donner un code qui fait cette transformation.
See also: How to i convert grayscale to RGB? (expansion, channel deletion, hue rotation, gcolorize, imblend, colormapping) htt...

3 maanden ago | 0

How can I save a figure (in jpeg and pdf) from this code?
At least as of R2019b, saveas() and print() do not accept uifigure handles. The documentation suggests that's still the case, b...

3 maanden ago | 0

This is face morphing. Now I want to save and convert to a gif image format.
Here: % inputs A = imread('tape.png'); B = imread('strawberries.jpg'); % parameters nframes = 20; framedelay = 0.1; dit...

3 maanden ago | 0

Calculation of psnr value in RGB image. I have calculated psnr using this code. But the result obtained is a complex number. What should be the error??
There are plenty of problems. function PSNR = psnrgb(I,W) [m,n,p] = size(I); [h,w,q] = size(W); % obviousl...

3 maanden ago | 0

Exporting Graphs from Matlab App in PNG or JPG
Using gcf() won't work. The GUI handles aren't immediately visible, so calling gcf will just open and capture an empty figure. ...

3 maanden ago | 0

why use 0.008856 in Lab color space?
The L* function is piecewise, and epsilon is the breakpoint location in terms of relative luminance (obviously). What significa...

3 maanden ago | 0

Undefined function or variable 'impixelinfo'.
impixelinfo() is part of the Image Processing Toolbox

3 maanden ago | 0

Is it possible to use the makehdr MATLAB function with 16bit images?
This appears to have been a bug in makehdr(). As usual, it doesn't appear anywhere in bug reports, but starting somewhere aroun...

3 maanden ago | 1

Imported greyscale image into ImageLabeler, the main workspace shows the image as black, but Image Browser shows correct images
A few things to know: The imageBrowser app will misrepresent grayscale images by automatically rescaling their dynamic range. ...

3 maanden ago | 0

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Can I override imshow InitialMagnification default behavior?
This can be set manually from the preferences dialog, under Image Processing Toolbox > IMSHOW Display. This can also be done ...

3 maanden ago | 0

I'm being told "Function definition not supported in this context. Create functions in code file."
Because this loop %*************************************** %Matlab Runge Kutta Routine - NEED HELP for count = 1:1:numsteps ...

3 maanden ago | 0

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How can I stretch an image non-uniformly?
I'm going to start this example using MIMT tools, since generating the displacement maps would otherwise be a chore. We can wor...

4 maanden ago | 0

Histogram equalisation process and errors
Given the way you're trying to do 1D lookup for the final remapping transformation, your input must be integer-valued and nonzer...

4 maanden ago | 0

Why am I getting "Unrecognized function or variable 'fp'."?
Functions which are local to a script or local to another function are not accessible outside that scope. If you want your func...

4 maanden ago | 0

How does the regionprops calculate the area or the eccentricity of an object?
If you want to know how regionprops() works, open it up and look. Unlike bwarea(), regionprops() calculates the simple unweight...

4 maanden ago | 0

create mask (line) based on conditional (mask)
You could do it using ROI objects, but that would be terribly slow and prone to other problems. Here's an example: % dummy inp...

4 maanden ago | 0

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Creating a symmetric tile mosaic
I'm not really sure what the question was. "the color pattern but not the shape" really doesn't make much sense, since shapes i...

4 maanden ago | 0

How to plot one curve and change color according to value
Also: % inputs thresh = 25; x = linspace(0,10,100); y = sin(3*x).*exp(0.5*x); % m is equivalent to (y>thresh), so it's en...

4 maanden ago | 1

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How to export images to a single pdf file
Saving images by taking screenshots will not ensure that the original resolution is preserved. I can only imagine that preservi...

4 maanden ago | 0

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