App Designer initial value for UserData for Slider
You can initialize the slider's UserData in the app's StartupFcn.

17 dagen ago | 0

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ERROR while calculating Euclidean distances to multiple tables in cell array
C_all_steps_no_break_cleaned = load('C_all_steps_no_break_cleaned.mat').C_all_steps_no_break_cleaned The important point unders...

21 dagen ago | 1

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Assigning Columns to a table without using loops - and perform i.e. diff on a column
A struct array similar to your variable events: tmp = num2cell([2025 2 14 15 22 54.8366; 2025 2 14 15 22 55.0519; 2025 2 14 15 ...

27 dagen ago | 0

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Display Glitch: Overlay of plots don't display requested LineStyle
Looks like the problem is that yyaxis() changes certain axes properties, including ColorOrder and LineStyleOrder: figure() ax ...

27 dagen ago | 0

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How to plot a line graph calling specific depths from a table.
T = table( ... datetime(["28-Jan-2025";"29-Jan-2025";"30-Jan-2025";"30-Jan-2025";"30-Jan-2025";"31-Jan-2025";"31-Jan-2025";...

28 dagen ago | 0

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Sort array based on particular rows
out = load('matlab.mat').out C = mat2cell(out,[6 5 6 5 6 5]); C = cellfun(@(x)sortrows(x,1,'descend'),C,'UniformOutput',false)...

29 dagen ago | 0

Find least binary palindrome greater than a natural number
Based on / inspired by @Walter Roberson's answer. function out = get_next_binary_palindrome(d) d_input = isnumeric(d); if...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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Why are these zeros adding themselves to the array?
k goes 1,2,4,6,10 n = [1,2,4,6,10]; for k = n fprintf('k = %d\n',k); end so inside your loop, e.g., ex1(k) = t; sets ex...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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send image to background to visible axes
axes and uiaxes objects always appear behind other UI components including uiimages, so there is no way to move the uiimage behi...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Script Converting txt to CSV
str = readlines('test.txt') str(1) = []; C = regexp(str,'[WCABR]','split'); out = vertcat(C{:}); writematrix(out,'test.csv...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

how to save an app.uiaxes as .png with axis off and without title ?
filename = 'output.png'; ax = app.UIAxes; ax_vis = strcmp(ax.Visible,'on'); if ax_vis ax.Visible = 'off'; end ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

How to make a table for a struct that contains elements with more than one number?
X = struct('a',1,'b',22,'c',1:3); FileName = "SoMe/fIlE\NaMe"; thetable = struct2table(X, 'RowNames', FileName); fig = ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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How to get back view of an object?
[x,y,z] = sphere(40); surf(x,y,z) axis equal xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') view([7 67]) ax = copyobj(gca(),figure...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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How to write a table in a textarea on a Matlab App?
An easy way to display a table in a text area is to use formattedDisplayText. Example: % a table with numbers and text: T = a...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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I have a big string of code. There is a variable at the top that affects many different calculations, which I want to increment in a 1 in a loop for a desired value.
Your code could have some structure like this: % presuming these don't depend on the value of dda, they can be % calculated o...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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The while loops works when X/Y is defined in the while loop, but won't run when X/Y is defined in the code above it. I need a while loop that works using the code above it.
In the first while loop, X/Y is calculated and compared to P on each iteration. No problem. In the second while loop, bob is co...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Help with findgroups/splitapply, and general deep learning help.
FCTable = load('FCTable.mat').FCTable T = FCTable; T.tradeDate_shift = dateshift(T.tradeDate,'start','day'); T.EFA_catego...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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What is the correct syntax to assign simulated data to my variables?
This may be a useful reference: G_var_list = {'log_y','C','pi_ann','B_nominal','B','sp','i_ann','r_real_ann','P'}; irfs_var_li...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

I have an equation. I want to adjust one of the values in the equation until it hits a certain output. How do I run a loop to increment that certain value until it does this?
X=21; Y=4; P=3; while X/Y > P Y = Y+1; end % this Y % is the first value of Y such that X/Y <= P X/Y <= P % (t...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

simulating rolling 1 and 2 dice
% define a function that creates the plots for a given set of results % (roll) and corresponding number of dice (n_dice) and nu...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

defining upper and lower limits of a matrix
Load and visualize data etan = load('viscosity_test.mat').etan; % check the min and max value of etan [etan_min,etan_max] =...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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Why is trailing back space removed from my folder name?
I don't know why the trailing backslash is missing from app.OutLoc. Maybe app.defOutLoc is not the same as defOutLoc. Anyway, y...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

files = {'U02B.HHZf';'U04B.HHZf';'U05B.HHZf';'U06B.HHZf'}; keep = true(size(files)); dirs = {'some\directory'}; i = 1; tmp...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Reshape EEG data to wide format with new aggregate column names
% a table ID = ["01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12"]; Elec...

ongeveer een maand ago | 2

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Legend for tiled donut charts
Here's something that may help. n = 3; data = rand(10,n); f = figure(); tl = tiledlayout(2,n); d = gobjects(n,1); for ii...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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Variable Names not being read into uitable using readmatrix
Using C = table2array(C) makes C a numeric array rather than a table array. Numeric arrays only contain numbers (no information ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Extracting Data from Table
If FFF1.x_coordinate == xv1(i) gives a different result than FFF1.x_coordinate == 0.25, then xv1(i) is not equal to 0.25. You do...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Add a colorbar for this quiver plot
figure hold on NColors = 10; scale_factor = 0.02; sr = sqrt(sx.^2+sy.^2); [sr_min,sr_max] = bounds(sr,'all'); qidx = discr...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

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How can I insert data into rows without looping and logical indexing?
% your tables: table1 = table; table1.var1 = [1; 1; 3; 3; 6; 1; 1; 3; 3; 6]; table1.var2 = [1; 2; 2; 3; 6; 1; 2; 2; 3; 6]; t...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 1

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imshow with a slider object is blocking my Button Down function
(It's difficult to reproduce the behavior you describe without having the .mlapp file and necessary data files.) Most likely, p...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

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