How to convert X, Y, Z cartesian coordinates into a surface.
load('cone_data - Copy.mat'); Here's how the surface looks. This is using the matrices x_coords, y_coords, and z_coords. % a s...

11 dagen ago | 0

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Subplot x-axis
Remove axis equal. Shift the rectangles and texts to the left by 7. Increase the width of the x-limits by 1 (0.5 on each side), ...

12 dagen ago | 0

How to create for loop for calculating angle between 3 3D points?
p = data3D(1:3); % pt1 q = Coordinates; v = q-p; % vectors from pt1 to each point in Coordinates N = size(q,1); angles = z...

12 dagen ago | 0

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How to rewrite code without nested loops
% Prompt for user input r = input("Enter r: 0.0 to 4.0: "); x1 = input("Enter initial x: 0.0 to 1.0: "); N = 100; % numbe...

12 dagen ago | 0

Removing peaks less than threshold
Try using MinPeakHeight and/or MinPeakDistance in findpeaks, instead of MinPeakProminence. You'll likely be able to entirely avo...

12 dagen ago | 1

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Structure For loop: moving sections of one structure to another structure with indexing variables.
for Seg = 1:length(Segments) for Tri = 1:length(Trials) Col.(Trials{Tri}).(Segments{Seg}).a = IMU.(Segments{Seg})....

12 dagen ago | 0

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find function not working with double inequality
This is not the correct way to check multiple inequalities: indf = find(signal_freq-b<CenterFreqs<signal_freq+b); Instead do:...

12 dagen ago | 1

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I need to draw the annexed Excel draw with MATLAB code
x = [-5.5,-5,-4.5,-3.5,-2.5,-1.5,0,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5,5.5]; y = [-0.002,-0.004,-0.005,-0.008,-0.008,-0.014,-0.014,-0.014,-0.008,...

12 dagen ago | 0

Omit nans from data set when calculating weights
You can use fillmissing to replace any NaN with 0, so that it doesn't contribute to the weighted sum. Give the resulting timeta...

12 dagen ago | 0

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After using "shading interp", the image will cover my satellite basemap. How to solve it?
Try applying the shading only to the pcolorm surface object: t=pcolorm(double(Latitude), double(Longitude), Precip_ZN, 'FaceCol...

12 dagen ago | 1

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How do I load in multiple datasets from multiple folders?
You can use * and/or ** wildcards in dir. Example: folder = 'absolute\or\relative\path\to\folder\3D\amplitude'; dir_str = f...

13 dagen ago | 0

Why does it skips the if part?
MATLAB doesn't ignore the if statement; the condition is never true. You can print the values of G(1,i) and G(1,i-1) with more ...

13 dagen ago | 0

How to dynamically change name of table?
One way to plot the table data for each cycle separately, without having to create a new table variable for each cycle, is to us...

13 dagen ago | 0

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How to scatter plot
"It is because my X is a 1x16 double and my Z is a 1x32 double." That's true. That is the problem. "When i do [X1,X2], it just...

13 dagen ago | 0

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Two y-Axes plot order and legend issue
With yyaxis, I don't think there is a way to set which axes' lines show up in front of the other. However, a workaround is to cr...

13 dagen ago | 0

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Want to extract the earliest date for each subject

14 dagen ago | 0

Average of Column in matlab.
avg = mean(M,1); where M is your matrix.

14 dagen ago | 2

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How can I plot multiple Matlab files onto one boxplot?
One problem is that you are assuming the list of files returned by dir is in a particular order (7, 8, 9, 10), but in fact the o...

14 dagen ago | 0

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write matrix, appending data
Instead of writecell([C,filename,'Sheet',Tag,'Range','A',nextI-1]); writematrix([ppm_data', filename,'Sheet',Tag,,'Range','A',...

14 dagen ago | 0

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Adding Means to a matrix
Like this? D = rand(500,30); % data M = mean(D,1); % mean of each column of data whos D M % add each column to its mean: ...

14 dagen ago | 0

TiledLayout with titles spanning multiple tiles (but not all)
Here's one way, using nested tiledlayouts: figure('Position',[10 10 800 600]); colors = [0 0.6 0; 0.9 0.7 0.1; 1 0.4 0.2; 1 0 ...

14 dagen ago | 1

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How to make a dropdown menu
"I was having problems where only the invalid selection was being made" That's because, in the words of the uicontrol propertie...

14 dagen ago | 0

Ploting multiple traces with different colors. plot(x,y, 'color', 'red') not working
'color' is not a valid parameter to pass to rfdata.plot Try setting the color ...

14 dagen ago | 0

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Find faster way than compose to format table
Rather than trying to find a faster alternative to compose to convert table data to appropriately formatting strings, the real p...

14 dagen ago | 0

How to write a matrix with a variable inside it?
Do you mean for x to be a symbolic variable? syms x B = [0 1 2*x 3*x^2] B.' Or for x to be a numeric variable? x = 2.2; ...

14 dagen ago | 1

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How to equally stretch horizontal bars?
Here's your code, with formatting applied and a hold on included and the colors variable defined: dataStart = [1, 2, 3, 4; 4, 5...

14 dagen ago | 0

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How to get Matlab datatip to output subplot information?
clc clearvars close all figure('units','normalized','Position',[0.15 0.45 0.7 0.55]); for j1=1:2 sbp1(j1)=subplot(1,2...

14 dagen ago | 0

minimum point in nested for loop and using min function..i want to know the value of x for which every row of y has minimum elements please help
clear;clc;close; u1=1:1:3; u2=0:0.1:1.1; for jj=1:length(u1) % s1=inf; for kk=1:length(u2) x(jj,kk)=u1(j...

15 dagen ago | 0

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conditional statements on matrices
Where M1 and M2 are your matrices: idx1 = M1(:,2) == 0; idx2 = M2(:,2) == 0; tags = repelem([1; 2],[nnz(idx1) nnz(idx2)]); ...

15 dagen ago | 0

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Set elements in center of matrix into NaN values
Something like this, for a single matrix: A = rand(288,96); D = 13; figure surface(A,'EdgeColor','none') axis image [M...

17 dagen ago | 0

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