Is it possible to export Tool-coupling FMU from Simulink model with compiled MEX S function? [r2019b]
You can use S-Function Builder block. This allows you to integrate existing C/C++ code into Simulink. The S-Function Builder blo...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Looking for a workflow to create a .fmu model from my current Simulink model
To export a Simulink model as a Standalone FMU following the FMI standard, you can utilize one of the following methods: 1) Com...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

after training network. unable to load network after restarting matlab. matlab version is 2021a
This warning typically arises when the network uses custom layers that are not on the path. Adding the customer layer(s) to MATL...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

How to assess overfitting in training faster r-cnn by the "trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector" function, which can not set validation data.
Beginning with MATLAB R2021a, the documentation no longer lists these options as unsupported in the trainFasterRCNNObjectDetecto...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Warning when loading a trained RCNN Object Detector from a .mat file
It appears that a Faster R-CNN model trained in one version of MATLAB may not be compatible with another version. Here is anothe...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Warning below shows when i tray to load a trained RCNN Object Detector from a .mat file
I encountered the same issue while experimenting with the example Object Detection Using Faster R-CNN Deep Learning. After runni...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

How I can access the action output of the actor network in DDPG during training?
You can use the function getAction which returns action from agent, actor or policy object given environment observations. You c...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

I am using DDPG .If there are four network to algorithm (actor, target actor , critic , target critic) in algorithm, and if possible to use different learning rate to each?
Yes, you can use different learning rates for Actor and Critic by specifying them individually when setting up your training opt...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

if we can use learn rate drop factor with adam optimizer in DDPG or not ?
The learning rate for training the actor or critic function approximator can be specified as a positive scalar by setting the Le...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

Create a simulink model to plot the derivative of a step signal in a scope.
Here's the documentation of Step, Derivative and Scope blocks in Simulink. Connect the blocks in the order of Step, Derivative a...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

How to keep only the header and source files after code generation ?
As far as I am aware there isn't a way to disallow code generation for files of a certain file type. You can use a custom script...

3 maanden ago | 0

how to draw in scoop rectangle use block representing sequence in simulink matlab
Hello @Badre Dz, Follow the instructions to add blocks to a Simulink model as detailed here:

3 maanden ago | 0

log in to my online account
Hello @Suleiman Try these below suggestions to log in to your MATLAB Online account: 1) Double check your credentials. Note th...

3 maanden ago | 0

Printing the figure to PDF in vector format and not bitmap
Hello Aleksey, To print a figure to a PDF in vector format, please consider the following suggestions: 1. Specify the graphi...

3 maanden ago | 0

Live Editor support for Visual Studio Code
Beginning with MATLAB R2024b, the new MATLAB Desktop introduces an option of saving MLX to M based live script. Settings can be ...

3 maanden ago | 1

I am trying to install the comuunications toolbox librariy but it isn't working, what's the matter?
The error message you’re encountering is quite generic and can arise from various causes. Refer to these troubleshooting steps f...

3 maanden ago | 0

export FMU of Supplier Blackbox Simulink model
As for your fundamental question, yes it is possible to export a Simulink model as a Standalone FMU. There are two ways to expor...

5 maanden ago | 0

Fmu with “canBeInstantiatedOnlyOncePerProcess” = false
The canBeInstantiatedOnlyOncePerProcess flag in modelDescription.xml can be set to true or false for a Simulink model with fixed...

5 maanden ago | 1

Importing us map in MATLAB and specifying points based on their latitude and longitude using boardersm function
Hi Mohammad, Here is a code snippet to mark specific locations on the US map based on their latitude and longitude values and c...

11 maanden ago | 1

| accepted

Generate repeated sequence block uisng matlab code
Hi Kamal, There are a few issues and improvements in your code to generate repeated sequence block's functionality: The line "...

11 maanden ago | 0

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Need help with using nufftn for images. The arguments and output format are unclear in the documentation.
Hi Saivivek, The MATLAB function "nufftn" returns the N-D discrete fast Fourier transform of N-D array "X" at sample points "t"...

11 maanden ago | 0

Measuring data consumption of simulink model
Hi Anton, I am not aware of any direct ways of measuring amount of data being processed since Simulink primarily focuses on sim...

11 maanden ago | 1

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Deep Learning Train Bayesian Neural Network
Hi Joy, I tried reproducing the errors on my end. However, "demo_BNN.mlx" is working fine for me. I created a copy of "TrainBay...

11 maanden ago | 0

Where can I find the 'helper' functions required to run the 'Simulate an Automotive 4D Imaging MIMO Radar' example?
Hi Mohammed, You can find the .M files corresponding to the helper functions in the same directory where the .MLX file for the ...

11 maanden ago | 1

How can i take screenshot of state flow and paste it in the word document?
Hi Sowmyaa, You can export your Stateflow chart as an image using the code snippet below: open_system("sf_model"); % open your...

11 maanden ago | 1

Why does how I initialize my large matrices make such a big difference?
Hi Michael, You have correctly identified that when you assign an array to a second variable MATLAB does not allocate new memor...

11 maanden ago | 1

How can I add test description to results/test report in matlab unit test framework?
Hi Javier, As per my knowledge, there isn't a built-in way to include a custom description directly in the table output of the ...

ongeveer een jaar ago | 1

Hi 中元, I understand that you have encountered an error of the format Unrecognized function or variable ‹Name›. Please refer to...

ongeveer een jaar ago | 0

Issue in a single layer multi Tx antennas PUSCH throughput example - 5G toolbox
Hi Hammam Orabi, I understand that you want to simulate the "NR PUSVH Throughput" in this scenario: single PUSCH transmission...

ongeveer een jaar ago | 0

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How to perform mixed ANOVA with random effects?
Hi Arthur, To answer your questions, let's analyze the factors at hand: 1) Time: It is a repeated factor (also known as within...

ongeveer een jaar ago | 0

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