how would i find a postive root
One way to find the roots is described <

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

How to find the mean after every n columns?
NewMatrix = mymatrix(:,1:4:end); Youranswer = nanmean(NewMatrix , 2);

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

Why is does the y axis of the graph have the same value all the way down?
Because |y(x)| barely changes in the interval |1*pi:0.1:pi|. Try a more densely spaced vector: i.e. x = -1*pi:pi/18...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

Newton Raphson m-file
I would recommend to take a look at Cleve Moler's book < Numerical Computing with M...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

Differentiation of a vector wrt a vetor
Assuming |Ls| and |delk| are of the same size: diff(Ls)./diff(delk)

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

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.jpg as a background on gui
You can create a figure and remove the MenuBar. In this figure you can display your image, whose |parent| is an axis. You can se...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

how compare two cplumns from different matrix;
Hallo Thodoris. [~, ii] = min(abs(bsxfun(@minus,A(:, 1)',B(:,1)))); % These are the row indexes of B(:,1) which are neare...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

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Imaqtool cannot find any devices
As from Matlab version R2014b, you must manually install the video adapters for your camera. Read: <

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

Using a timer to execute a function
A simple timer: t = timer('BusyMode', 'Drop', ... 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedDelay', ... 'S...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

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link x-axis from one figure with y-axis from another figure
You could create a callback and then add a listener. So a minimal example would be: CallBack: function test(src, evt, ax...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to change the cell color of UITABLE in MATLAB?
Based on < this> and <

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to save data of UITABLE in Workspace
If you want to get the data whenever the data change use this: f = figure; d = randi(100, 7, 3); t = uitable(f,'Dat...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 1

Array input through MATALB - GUI
Yes it is possible with < uitable>. Check also the <

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

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YY axis scale on plotyy
Try to use linkaxes(AX, 'xy')

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

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Question about YDir, reverse
It should be set(gca, 'Ydir', 'reverse') The |plot| as mentioned above does not have a property |Ydir|. However...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

How to translate cartesian coordinates into polar coordinates?
Your function is |cart2pol|. Check < here> for more help.

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

How can I use a USB webcam on Ubuntu linux 64-bit with MATLAB R2014b?
I have exactly the same problem with the same configuration (Check a similar post <

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0


Install video adapters in R2014b on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit system
I have a Ubuntu 14.04 64bit system on which I have installed R2014b. With previous versions of the Image Acquisition Toolbox, ...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0 answers | 0



Index of first empty cell in array?
If you want to add a certain value to each of the none empty rows in column 3 maybe you try the following: array(cellfun(@(x...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

How can I change the elements of a matrix when hovering over its figure with the mouse?
Hi Bogdan! Maybe you can try this: close all; clear all; clc; fig = figure; set(fig, 'Color',[0,0.5,0.5]); g...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

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set the values to nan
Try this Hana B1 = tb1; B1(A1==0) = NaN;

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

How can i make a n-pointed star?
Hello student from Korea! Why don't you try this? q = 4; % connect every qth point out of p points mingon = 2*q + 1;...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 5

How do I replace zeroes in a <logical> 0 and 1 array with NaNs?
It didn't work because you were trying to replace logical values (the zeros/false) with doubles (the NaN). So first, convert th...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 1

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Output class object inherits the property/value pairs of a figure
I am trying to write a simple class. The purpose of the class is to create a figure. What I do is: classdef myFig < ha...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0



Rendering issues in Matlab R2014b version when using patch
Thank you Mike for you input. The simplest workaround that can overcome this problem is setting the value |lm| very low. i.e. ...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0


Rendering issues in Matlab R2014b version when using patch
I am using |patch| to shade an area in a graph. The code that I am using is simple: lm = 0; s = 1:1000; d = [ones(1...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 3 answers | 1




Back and Forth Rows
Given a number n, create an n-by-n matrix in which the integers from 1 to n^2 wind back and forth along the rows as shown in the...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago

uicontrol text background color - value must be numeric
In your |uicontrol| when you use the |Fontsize| property remove the apostrophes around 12. It should be double not string.

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

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How do I remove rows with NaNs from my raw data?
I assume that your data are of nx1 or 1xn size. Then to delete the use this: data(isnan(data)) = [];

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Comparing two arrays of different length
You could this to find it: idx = ismember(A', B', 'rows'); c = 1:size(A, 2); d = c(idx); % is your answer

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 3

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