
Convert a number to its Roman representation
Convert a given number to its Roman representation. For example, if the number is 98, it should display 'XCVIII'

bijna 11 jaar ago


整数 n が与えられた時、以下の様な1と0を含むn×nの行列を作成しましょう。a(1,1) は1にする必要があります。 例: 入力 n = 5 出力 a が [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Reverse the input
Given an input (n), produce an output in the reverse order with out using string variables or string function. Example x ...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Pandigital number n°1 (Inspired by Project Euler 32)
A little warm-up to begin... An n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly ONCE. For ex...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Find the number that has most primes those less than it
Given an vector x of integer numbers, find the element of x that has the most primes less than it.

bijna 11 jaar ago


Length of the hypotenuse
Given short sides of lengths a and b, calculate the length c of the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle. <<http://upload....

bijna 11 jaar ago


Say something funny
Say something funny, or not. Your solution will be (fully automatically and objectively) scored based on how clever or funny ...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Given a window, how many subsets of a vector sum positive
Given a vector: [1 0 -1 3 2 -3 1] and a window of 2, A sliding window would find: 1 + 0 = 1 0 - 1 = -1 ...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Find max
Find the maximum value of a given vector or matrix.

bijna 11 jaar ago


Check if number exists in vector
Return 1 if number _a_ exists in vector _b_ otherwise return 0. a = 3; b = [1,2,4]; Returns 0. a = 3; b = [1,...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Multielement indexing of a row array
The row array birthRateChina stores the China birth rate (per 1000 people) for years 2000 to 2012. Write a statement that create...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Lightning strike distance: Writing a function
Write a function named LightningDistance that outputs "distance" given input "seconds". Seconds is the time from seeing lightnin...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Fahrenheit to Celsius using multiple statements
Given a Fahrenheit value F, convert to a Celsius value C. While the equation is C = 5/9 * (F - 32), as an exercise use two state...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Pizza value using expression with parentheses
Pizza prices are typically listed by diameter, rather than the more relevant feature of area. Compute a pizza's value (cost per ...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Create a row array using double colon operator
Create a row array from 9 to 1, using the double colon operator.

bijna 11 jaar ago


Circle area using pi
Given a circle's radius, compute the circle's area. Use the built-in mathematical constant pi.

bijna 11 jaar ago


Simple equation: Annual salary
Given an hourly wage, compute an annual salary by multiplying the wage times 40 and times 50, because salary = wage x 40 hours/w...

bijna 11 jaar ago


Free passes for everyone!
_Simply return the name of the coolest numerical computation software ever_ *Extra reward* (get a _freepass_): As an addit...

meer dan 11 jaar ago


Given a positive, integer n, create a function that returns the respective binary number in the form of a vector. Example: ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago


Reverse Run-Length Encoder
Given a "counting sequence" vector x, construct the original sequence y. A counting sequence is formed by "counting" the entrie...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Balanced number
Given a positive integer find whether it is a balanced number. For a balanced number the sum of first half of digits is equal to...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees.

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Fahrenheit to Celsius converter
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees.

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Celcius to Kelvin
Convert Celsius degrees to Kelvin temperature.

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


select the primes of a vector
Find the prime numbers in a vector

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Find the logic
There exists one logic in between input and output. Find it (easy math). Example 1: x=13 then y=339; Example 2: x=26...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Miles to go before I sleep
Recently, my car's odometer passed 56789. Given an odometer reading, output how many miles need to be driven to get the next mi...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Volume of a sphere given its surface area
You just measured its surface area, that is the input.

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


How long do each of the stages of the rocket take to burn?
A space rocket has 3 stages: - stage 1, s1; - stage 2, s2; - stage 3, s3. If s1 burns 3 x as long as s2 which burns ...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Return a list sorted by number of occurrences
Given a vector x, return a vector y of the unique values in x sorted by the number of occurrences in x. Ties are resolved by a ...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago

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