Toc returns loop time instead of total script time
Apart from tic and toc, there is also < profile> command to check the bottle...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

How to Generate Compressor Map ?
That is a contour plot. You can plot a contour plot using < contour> command...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

when char(65) then A.
Just guessing, >> char(65) ans = A >> double('A') ans = 65

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0


2D LUT (extrapolation) Simulink vs interp2
Hi, I am trying to "converts" a Simulink model into a matlab script/function, but I stumbled upon the 2D Look Up table conver...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



Which MATLAB operations/functions need speeding up?
datenum and cell2mat

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

[Simulink] Input value to update everywhere. How to?
Use variable names instead of constant value for your constant/input block, then assign a value to the variable from matlab edit...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How to Use Edit Text in GUI in creating a filename?
repot_path = fullfile(pathname,['TimeSignal_of_' t1 'sec_to_' t2 'sec''.txt']); Or repot_path = [pathname '\TimeSi...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Value not multiplying by -1
Learn on how to debug your code, <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

Array divided by 255 gives me 0
testmat = [30 29 31; 29 30 30; 30 31 30] ; testmat = 30 29 31 29 30 30 30 31 30 >...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

how to get simulink model outputs simultaneously(when the simulation is running)?
To meet the requirement, you might want to integrate your GA mfile to simulink (e.g. using Matlab Function block).

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

How to see the Simulink Graph?
You need to disable "Limit data point to last" in Simulink scope setting. see below... <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_file...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Text box as subplot
Something like this? figure(1) p1 = subplot(4,1,1); p2 = subplot(4,1,2); p3 = subplot(4,1,3); p4 = subplot(4,1,...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

| accepted

GUI's OpeningFcn is not ran when opened from the explorer, do I have to open GUI to successfully launch my GUI?
You can also call the applicable *.mfile from the Matlab command window.. I think when you double click the *.fig file, matla...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Simulink : How can I update the data from Workspace while the simulation is running?
How do you pause the simulation? Based on the description on To Workspace this should be possible (updated), see below: _T...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

How to solve plotting different data in same figure when x-vectors are not the same?
Does this work? plot(x1,y1,x2,y2);

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

standalone .exe program from .m
You need additional tollbox to do that. See below : <>

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Let MATLAB open .txt Files in Microsoft Editor
What about this command? < open>

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Sort array elements in ascending order
res = sortrows(i,[1,2]); PS: Don't name you variable _i_, by the way. _i_ in matlab represent _sqrt(-1)_

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

Build Truth tables with MATLAB code
Do you want to use Truth table in Simulink? Perhaps this link can help you, <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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How can I assign the same name to mat file as it is in another variable's input?
save(a,'a') But, why do you want to do this?

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Maximum Number of Rows in Matlab
It depends on data type and amount of column. See link below: <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

how to see the signal dimensions of simulink blocks
In 2013b version: <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/24250/sim_sigdim.jpg>>

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How can i make structure inside structure?
Check this link: <>

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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How can I split a word to parts?
thres = 3; %three last character of first word a = 'Hello World'; b = strtok(a); b = b(end-(thres-1):end);

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

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Creating structure array and store it in mat file!
Perhaps you define the structure incorrect, Please see this <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

subtracting and saving in an array
A wild guess, you may need: # _cell2mat_ (to convert your cell into workable matrix) # _diff_ (to find the difference betwee...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Cycle For how can i??
If i fully understand the question, below is the "cycle for loop" that you want, for idrow = 2:size(W,1)-1 for idcol = ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

remove certain yticklabels from axis
Perhaps, set(gca,'YLim',[1,8]);

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Locate Y given X and display on the graph
Refering to your description, If you generate the graph yourself using _plot_ function, then simply interpolates your xpoint...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Clear axes in GUI using cla reset does not work for secondary axes?
What if, set(get(handles.ax1, 'Parent'), 'HandleVisibility', 'on'); %set handle visibility to on axes(handles.ax1); %mak...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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