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Array divided by 255 gives me 0

11 views (last 30 days)
Thomas Koelen
Thomas Koelen on 7 Apr 2015
Commented: James Tursa on 7 Apr 2015
I have an matrix that looks like this (but bigger)
[30 29 31;
29 30 30;
30 31 30]
now when I divide it by 255, it gives me this:
[0 0 0;
0 0 0;
0 0 0]
As far as I know I never changed anything with digits, does anyone have an idea what's going on?
Kind regards
edit: the matrix contains doubles

Answers (2)

Joep on 7 Apr 2015
Edited: Joep on 7 Apr 2015
This is because you matrix was written in uint8. You should first convert it to double.
double([30 29 31; 29 30 30; 30 31 30])
It's not clear why it is in uint8 maybe you load some image or create uint8 matrix.
PS: uint8 means you got a 8 bit number so 2^8=256 which will give 0->255. If you need some help I can help you also in dutch.
Thomas Koelen
Thomas Koelen on 7 Apr 2015
I already converted it to double, I just didn't show it on the post. It didn't work, then I reopened Matlab and it did work. I don't know what was wrong, guess I'll never know :P
James Tursa
James Tursa on 7 Apr 2015
Most likely you thought you had converted it to double, but hadn't. Then you restarted MATLAB and wiped out the evidence.

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Ilham Hardy
Ilham Hardy on 7 Apr 2015
testmat = [30 29 31; 29 30 30; 30 31 30] ;
testmat =
30 29 31
29 30 30
30 31 30
>> testmatdev = testmat./255
testmatdev =
0.1176 0.1137 0.1216
0.1137 0.1176 0.1176
0.1176 0.1216 0.1176
  1 Comment
Thomas Koelen
Thomas Koelen on 7 Apr 2015
It's not working either, ran my code on another pc and it's working just fine. After reopening Matlab on my own computer it's also running fine.
Thanks though!

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