5,745 results

Fast 2D peak finder


by Adi Natan

Find local maxima \ peak positions in noisy 2D arrays

fastpeakfindA simple and fast 2D peak finder. The aim was to be faster than more sophisticated techniques yet good enough to find peaks in noisy data. The code analyzes noisy 2D images and find peaks

Quickly finds local maxima (peaks) or minima (valleys) in a noisy signal.

This function quickly finds local peaks or valleys (local extrema) in a noisy vector using a user defined magnitude threshold to determine if each peak is significantly larger (or smaller) than the



by Peter O'Connor

Find peaks in vector

Specify a vecter, a minimum peak separation, and a minimum peak height, and this function will find the peaks.. about 250 times faster than findpeaks

Find Peak Value


by Geng Jun

Help you find peak value from a lot of data.

It's a simple function. Can help you find peak value from a lot of datas. It contains some demos.It's my first time to submit file, thanks for your using.

Easily allows you to automatically find, plot, and label local maxima (peaks) and local minima on MATLAB

Easily allows you to automatically find, plot, and label local maxima (peaks) and local minima on MATLABThis code requires the MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox, which can be downloaded here


Version 1.0.5

by Daniel

Complements find peaks function with the possibility to find all peaks, both local maximums, and local minimums.

Besides complementing find peaks function with the possibility to find all peaks, both local maximums, and local minimums.This also provides a possible workaround for the findpeaks bug pointed out by

Up-sample and filter noisy data to find peaks without using derivatives.

, 2013.peakfind(x_data,y_data)peakfind(x_data,y_data,upsam)peakfind(x_data,y_data,upsam,gsize,gstd)peakfind(x_data,y_data,upsam,htcut,'cuttype')peakfind(x_data,y_data,upsam,gsize,gstd,htcut,'cuttype')[xpeaks]=peakfind()[xout,yout,peakspos]=peakfind()This function finds peaks without taking first or second derivatives, rather it uses local slope features in a given data set. The function has four basic modes. Mode 1: peakfind(x_data,y_data) simply

3-D Ray Trace


by Charles Rino

3-D Ray Trace function for refractive propagation

Find peaks in 2D data just as with Matlab's 'findpeaks' function

Fast and effective 2D peak finding algorithm returning peak locations and values. Accepts 2D arrays as an input (for instance, image acquired with a camera from some optics experiment). Various

some useful spherical harmonics routines

function valuesf(theta,phi) and the derivativesof f w.r.t theta and phi. Can be usedfor finding peaks of spherical functions[4] implement the spherical harmonics rotation algorithm of Ivanic and Ruedenberg

This function finds dominant peaks and local valleys of an image histogram

This function finds dominant peaks and valleys of an image histogram. Minimum peak distance and averaging filter size can be changed to suit your need. Although, the function is originally written

Find local peaks or troughs in a vector

NOTE: this function is now available from the IoSR Matlab Toolbox as iosr.dsp.localpeaks. ------------------------- LOCALPEAKS Find local peaks and troughs in a vector SYNTAX peaks =

Live Script shows how to find data peaks from EKG, how to refine peaks from data, and infer heart rate from peaks of Electrocardiogram data

The Electrocardiogram Live Script uses the Signal Processing Toolbox to find peaks of data from an EKG and shows how to refine the peaks based on your data. The Live Script also shows how to gather

Find peaks in data using a scale-space approach. It is efficient and requires very few parameters.

-------------------------------------------------------------Scale-space peak picking------------------------This function looks for peaks in the data using scale-space theory. input : * V : data

Quantiles of a sample via various methods

Automatic find peaks and associate each point to a peak in a vector

function [peaks,groups,criterion] = peaksandgroups(V,select,display)% -------------------------------------------------------------% Find peaks and link each data point to a peak, in effect


Version 1.2

by QiQi Duan

Simple MATLAB Code for the paper "Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks"

This MATLAB Code (i.e., Density-based Clustering) is originated from the wonderful paper "Alex Rodriguez & Alessandro Laio: Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks, Science 344, 1492

Find sub-sample location of global maximum in a 2-dimensional numerical matrix.

This small contribution is useful in cases where you search for the position of a peak within an intensity matrix (correlation or energy fields) of low resolution. Since this is only a 2nd-order-fit

Finds peaks, locations, fwhms and area in signal.

Very lean an simple code that automatically finds major peaks, their locations, fwhms and area in a given signal y versus x. Requires no input parameters. The output is a matrix with peaks sorted in

Use wavelet decomposition data to automatically estimate arrival of wave modes in ultrasonic signals

A library for scintillation channel modeling applications.

Simulate Propagation in 2-D

Find peaks in 1D data | Matlab findpeaks equivalent

Peak finding algorithm for essential signal processing. Returns peak amplitudes and locations. Various filters can be selected such as minimal absolute value, threshold above the immediate

Find Peaks of the signal and stores the answer in excel

find peaks program to find peaks i have faced problem in findpeaks.m so i have made my code to find peaks of the signal. it find peaks of the signal from excel file and stores peaks value in excel

The code is very simple and needs only two lines of code.

Full call: PeakValues=FindPeaksSimple(x,y,PeakType,Interpolate) INPUT: 1 x: x-values. Vector with numbers. 2 y: y-values. Vector with numbers. Optional values: You may omit all off them or the



by Nagi Hatoum

Find the peaks and troughs in a vector.

A simple rugged script that finds the peaks and troughs of a signal, vector, or data points. The results are returned in two index vectors p and t. Notice: Might drop end points or give two point

Function helps in finding the peaks more effectively than findpeaks() defined in Matlab library.

I was not able to get the peaks from my experimentally obtained data because of its random nature. As a result the findpeaks() defined in Matlab library was not giving results as expected. Hence I

Spike Extraction Tool

Finds peaks in 1D array

Acceleration peak finder


by Rob

This function finds the peaks between sign changes

% This function simply finds the peak of a signal between a sign change.% This is the peak of a two sided signal. There is only one input % which is the array. If you had data from an

Visualisation and analysis of an Electrocardiogram Signal

A way to find peaks(maxes) and troughs(mins) without using derivatives.

This toolbox uses the three point method to find the location of local maximums (peaks) and local minimums (troughs) wihout computing derivatives. Users can control the finding of peaks and troughs

This exercise utilizes four programs to train a Bayesian classifier and classify frames of signals.

This exercise compares three algorithms for computing the complex cepstrum of two finite sequences.

Illustrates vocal tract response, glottal pulse, radiation response for voiced and unvoiced speech

A simple way to visualize and understand speech waveforms by plotting and examination.

Implements a speaker trained, template-based, isolated digit recognizer

Simple vocal tract model from glottal pulse to radiation at the lips.

Compute impulse and frequency responses of p-tube vocal tract model.

Peakydo peak finder


by Rob

This function simply finds the 1 peak between sign changes on a signal.

function [ pks mn criss ] = peakydo(arr,xlimee,ylimee )% This function simply finds the peak of a signal between a sign change.% This is the peak of a two sided signal. there are the inputs. % to

The function finds all peaks raising above adjacent valeys by a tolerance

TOLPK finds all peaks raising above adjacent valeys from both sides by a given tolerance. The function tests differences between peaks and adjacent valeys of an arbitrary function and returns

A spectrum of peaks data:width,height ,...,and overlap of peaks can be find from this functions.

This function can be used to get peaks data: number, height,position, area, width and overlap of peaks of a function of spectrum of peaks.X and y are vectors of the function and wp is a scalar.

Peak finder in a 2D image. Find all peaks above some threshold value. faster than imregionalmax.

In cases that the number of peaks above some threshold is a small fraction of the image pixels, this function may be an order of magnitude faster than imregionalmax.Updates are available as part of

Get the contents of a specified directory

Calculate ideal time-frequency masks and apply time-frequency masks to signals via STFT

Create a Contents.m file including subdirectories

A playground for modelling and monitoring the time-series COVID-19 pandemic growth with the nlogistic-sigmoid function (`NLSIG`)

Find local peaks in a signal

difference:x=cos(linspace(0,50,1000))+randn(1,1000)*.2;[locs heights]=peakperformance(x,30); % Find all peaks that are the highest within 30 samples [heights2 locs2]=findpeaks(x,'minpeakdistance',30);clf; plot(x); hold all; plot(locs,heights

hough1.m do the Hough trans to an image, findlines.m mark the start and ending points of the lines

Three functions have been developed to find the prominent peaks of the ECG and to remove the baseline wandering from the ECG signals

These Functions were designed to eliminate baseline wondering and to detect the peaks of an ECG signalThis work is developed by the members of Advanced Bio-Engineering Club of KUET (Khulna

A toolbox for native MATLAB integration of SLEAP for multi-animal pose tracking.

Demo files from July 21, 2009 webinar

Econometric analysis of the properties of sunspot numbers from 1700 through the 22.d century



by Sudipta Das

Find all the peaks of a surface excluding NaN.

Record all peaks in a region by comparing with its neighbours. If neighbours of a number are holding smaller or equal (a portion of the neighbours) values it is declared as a local peak. It can

The demo decouples the wavelet operations from the plotting.

Produces a colour colormap, of arbitrary length, that is monochrome-compatible.

; imagesc(peaks(1000)); colormap(CMRmap(256)); axis image; colorbarREFERENCE[1] Rappaport, C. 2002: "A Color Map for Effective Black-and-White Rendering of Color Scale Images", IEEE Antenna's and Propagation Magazine

Calculate subplot positions by specifying figure margins and axis scaling.

Check if mex file is compiled for the OS or if the source was modified since it was compiled.

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