tinySA MATLAB Wrapper

Version 1.0.1 (67.3 KB) by Jegan Mani
tinySA MATLAB wrapper provides an easy way to connect with tinySA from MATLAB and perform basic measurements through MATLAB.
Updated 31 Jul 2021

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tinySA provdes MATLAB access to tinySA using serial interface. This class provides most commonly used functionality through a simple spectrum analyser.The number data points between a measurement span is configurable to a maximum of 290 points and by default it is set to 101 points.tinySA supports upto 4 markers to be configured and same is supported by this MATLAB wrapper.Its very important that input signal is attenuated enough to protect the sensitive receiver frontend, tinySA has the ability to configure attenuator between 0 to 31 dB in increments of 1 dB. tinySA has 2 ports that can be configured to either be a receiver or a signal generator, in this version of the wrapper only receive is supported.
Low Port supports 0Hz to 350MHz
High Port supports 240MHz to 900MHz
High port is less sentivie compared to the low port.
If no input is provided class would use defaults of COM8 and 19200 for baudrate.
Typical call :
testSA = tinySA()
testSA = tinySA('ComPort','Com8','BaudRate','9600')
[frequencies,spectrumData] = getSpectrumData(100000000,300000000,200);

Cite As

Jegan Mani (2025). tinySA MATLAB Wrapper (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/96882-tinysa-matlab-wrapper), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2021a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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