FIG2MFILE - Save a figure as an M-file (ver 2.0)

Saves a figure as an executable m-file.
Updated 31 Oct 2005

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FIG2MFILE - save a figure as an executable mfile

USAGE: fig2mfile(fig,'myfig')

fig = figure number of figure to be saved
'myfig' = desired mfile name


(1) Most plots and images can be saved. Most data types can now be handled, including multi-level and multi-dimensional structs and cell arrays. In tests, GUIs can be handled; however, saving a GUI figure window does cannot save its associated callback functions and cannot preserve the numerical value of handles (since they are regenerated at the each figure creation).
(2) To answer the inevitable question, this function will be needed by authors who don't want to include a separate saved figure file in a release of their software, but would rather include the figure generation in their code (e.g. for a compiled software release).
(3) Complex figures can take a few minutes to reduce to m-file format. Disk usage greatly increases from fig-file format as one might expect. (Incidentally, zip-file compression reduces the size to roughly comparable with fig-file size.)
(4) The generated mfile contains a single function ("drawfig") which can be moved into other code as needed.
(5) The created function returns a handle to the figure when it is executed.
(6) ver 1.0: initial writing, Michael Kleder, July 2005
(7) ver 2.0: accept new & multi-level datatypes, Michael Kleder, Oct 2005


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Cite As

Michael Kleder (2025). FIG2MFILE - Save a figure as an M-file (ver 2.0) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Version Published Release Notes

Handles much more complicated figures including GUIs and figures containing multi-level and multi-dimensional structs and cell arrays.