Reading data from mobile phone sensors (mobiledev)

Shows how to save/update mobile phone sensors' logs to MATLAB Drive continuously (sensors.m) and access this data from PC (plotsensors.m)
Updated 25 Jun 2020

We install MATLAB Mobile on the phone. In its settings we enable logiing to MATLAB Cloud and activate any sensors we want to record. Then we launch the sensors.m script on command line of the MATLAB Mobile on the phone. Leave it running, do not lock the phone or minimize the app. Then we start the second script (plotsensors.m) on our PC, which has the same MATLAB Drive account enabled, change current folder to MATLAB Drive (where sensors.mat data file will be created) and launch plotsensors.m. The data from the phone is plotted on PC and updated every second or so. The speed of syncronisation depends on how frequently the data is sent to MATLAB Drive by the phone and synced to your PC.

Cite As

Alex Pedcenko (2024). Reading data from mobile phone sensors (mobiledev) (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020a
Compatible with R2015a to R2020a
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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